Why me

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Sasuke POV:

Me and that loser had to start this project at my house.
When we got to my house Naruto just sat on the floor of my room and started the project.
"What are you doing idiot?" I asked and laid on my bed.
"The project we were assigned today in class...Also don't call me Idiot please." Naruto said mumbling. I decided to mess with him a little bit.
"Huh I'm sorry.. What? Naru I didn't hear you" I said and lifted his face to mine.

Naruto's POV:

I pushed him away and continued my work instead of falling for what he's doing.
"Naru.." Sasuke said and tried holding my hand.
"Stop messing around Sasuke and actually do the work!" I said and handed him some papers and a pencil.
"Well you caught me I was just messing around loser" Sasuke said and pushed me away and went on his phone.

"When your done loser leave I'm going to bed." Sasuke said, I got annoyed with him but finished a part of the project and packed them up and left.


After the whole week of school all I heard people talking about was Sasuke I didn't understand why him of all people.
I got to his house to work on the project again "hey idiot what you doing today for the project" Sasuke said.
He's been calling me idiot or loser all week it made me mad because he never listened to me and he always punched, pushed, or kicked me.
"Shut up we aren't friends.." I said and sat on the ground he just kicked me and laid on his bed and closed his eyes.
"Aren't you going to help?!" I asked mad "no why would I? Loser you can do it" he replied and laid on his side turned away from me.
I finally got upset with the way he had been treating me I got up and crawled over him
"why do you hate me so much! You've been treating me like shit ever since I got to the school, I came to Konoha because I was hurt and abused there! I wanted to get over my parents deaths too!!" I yelled at him and hadn't realized I had started to cry. Sasuke pushed me off of him and I fell on the ground still in tears.
I ignored him at sat beside his window still crying a little and just wanting to be left alone I heard him call my name a few times but I ignored him.
"Naruto! Listen to me!" Sasuke said angrily and made me face him I kicked him away and threw my hood on to ignore him he grabbed me roughly and I fell on the ground from the couch I was sitting on "leave me al-." "Naruto!" He yelled and I flinched scared.
"God you loser you can't listen at all" he said and helped me up.
I was still looking at the ground I ended up running out of the room without my things I just ran out the room and out the door.

Sasuke's POV:

I saw his stuff on the ground I picked it up and ran after him.
After about 5 minutes of running I saw him sitting in the park behind a tree he wasn't crying but just sitting there quiet I walked over to him and sat down beside him.
"You idiot you forgot your phone and bag." I said and placed it beside him.

Fucking with my heart // Sasunaru Where stories live. Discover now