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Naruto's POV:

I decided to go back to the hidden rain village for a while because I wasn't fully ready to stay in Konoha.
I went to Sasuke's house to tell him that I was leaving.
"Sasuke I gotta tell you something important" I said when he opened the door.
He looked confused but let me inside and walked to his room.
"I've decided I want to go back to the hidden rain village for awhile.." I said.
Sasuke laid on his bed and just ignored what I just said. "Sasuke.. Hello? Are you not listening to me" I said as I laid beside him.
But he still did nothing and just laid there, I kissed him and hugged him but he still ignored me.
"Fine then I'm leaving!" I said angrily and threw the jacket he gave me on the ground running out the door.

The next day when I was about to leave the village I heard a knock on the door when I went and opened it up Sasuke came in and kissed me I blushed.
"I'm sorry I ignored you last night" Sasuke said.
"It's fine but I got to leave soon Sasuke" I said.
He kissed me again and hugged me I laughed when he did he was like a little kid.
I ended up leaving the village on time like I wanted to.
"Naruto wait!"
"Huh? Sasuke?" I said and turned around.
"Here take this." Sasuke said and handed me the jacket.
I smiled and hugged him.
I got on the bus and left the village I was only going to be gone for 2 years and I'd come back.

Fucking with my heart // Sasunaru Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ