Aze-The Demon ShopKeep

Start from the beginning

"What can I do for you, little lady?" He smiled.

"Well, I wanted to know how much I could get for these." I pulled my family heirlooms out of my pocket. I didn't really want to sell them, I just wanted to make conversation with this man. He took two coins in his fingers, the feet, and a wing. He looked them over handing me 10 dollars. He slipped the coins into the case.

"NO! I just wanted to know how much! I want those back!" I yelled.

"All sales are final. Unless you wanted to buy them. In that case." He crossed his arms and looked away. "1,200 dollars."

"That's a fucking rip off and you know it!" I slammed my hands down on the counter. His arms shot up in front of him trying to defend himself.

"Hey watch the counter."

"Raina we're leaving." Ameilia and Saara said together.

"I'll be right back we're not done yet," I growled at him. He looked at me shrugging his shoulders. I ran outside to my cousins.

"Hey, do you guys have the special family bag?" I asked them.

"The one that only opens-"

"If you're part of the family." They said holding out a small dark blue leather bag.

"Can I borrow it?" I reached for it. They smiled nodding their head yes. I snatched the bag shouting a thank you over my shoulder running back into the building. I placed the other three coins in the bag and placed it in my pocket.

"Alright I need my other coins-" I looked up to where he had stood. "Where did you go?" I questioned myself as I walked around the store.

I found myself back at the front door. I saw stairs behind a half door that read 'employees only'. Bingo. I slowly made my way up the states, as I reached the top I started to shake a little bit.

"Shopkeep?" I called. I came to a door that was slightly ajar. I slowly pushed it further open looking inside. It looked like a kitchen, alright. I slowly walked in.

"Shopkeep?" I called again.

"What are you doing in my house!?" He called walking into the kitchen.

"I'm looking for you so I can get my coins back. I shifted weight to one leg crossing my arms. He looked down texting away on his phone.

"What makes you think I'll give them back to you without proper payment?" He asked.

"Because, because." I didn't know what to say, I didn't know the man very well. "Because I'm cute and you'll be doing me a favor, therefore, I'll owe you a favor." I puffed out my chest with my arms down in front of me holding my hands together.

"He looked up at me and chuckled." If that gets you anywhere let me know human." He looked back down at his cell. "Now get out of my-dammit!" He threw his phone across the room. It landed on the floor next to my feet. He stomped into the room beside him. I picked up his phone looking at it.

'It's not you Aze it's me. I thought I could love a demon but I can't. Thanks for the sex though byeeeee' I pressed back looking at the other messages I shouldn't have, but I was curious. All of then from girlie names all said just about the same thing, sex was a mistake, I don't love you, please forget about me. Wow, the cold-hearted harlots. I clicked on the message that was showing when I picked it up and took it to him. He sat on the couch in the living room arms crossed. I held out his phone to him from behind the couch.

"Here, if it helps at all, they're probably seeing like 7 other guys and taking horse cock like its nothing. I'm sorry I came up here." He took his phone from my hand. I turned around to take my leave.

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