Chapter 108

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I glanced around my room, brushing my hair away from my face. It was hard to believe that it had only been a month since Cam, and I decided to share a living space. Things had gone through rather quickly and he was able to get all the painting done in just a few days by recruiting some of his co-workers at the hotel. We'd gone shopping and I was surprised at how well we got along when it came to furniture shopping. 

I mean, it's one thing for your own room. That's fine, it didn't matter one bit if we liked the same bed sets. But the common areas? Yeah, it was super important for us to agree on our living room, dining room and kitchen set up.

We had such similar tastes.

It was awesome.

And since we shared some of the same views about paint colors for the common spaces, it really didn't take long at all for him to get the painting done. AND since he was fully in touch with his masculine side, he didn't mind one bit that our bathroom was half pink. He'd painted his room a light gray and my room was a fairly pale pink... more of a mauve to be honest so purplish. And we had enough paint between the two of those that he just painted two walls in each color in the bathroom. It was surprisingly easy to kit out the rest of the bathroom with rugs and towels.

The towels were super easy... I had pink already and we found a deep eggplant shade of purple for Cam. I decided we should go with black rugs and the guest towels were a mix of gray and black because the most amazing shower curtain I had received from Owen and Sang, and brought with me, was a tiled pattern using all four colors with a little white added for contrast. Even Gabriel was impressed with how it turned out when I sent him pictures of the bathroom.

Anyway, back to what I was desperately needing to get done today. Fully unpacking. I know, I know, I've had a month to settle in, why was it mid-February and how in the world was I still living out of suitcases? Because I wore the same clothes 5 days a week and on weekends, so far, it had been a little chilly, so I'd been wearing sweats and sweatshirts all day long. One weekend we moved, it was more important to get the common spaces put together once the beds were assembled and I just hadn't spent much time unpacking. We were finding our balance as roommates and I was on the hook for cooking the entire month.

Should I have said no to the two days that we took for ourselves and went to Disneyland Paris?

Oh gosh no.

Those were the best Saturdays ever. I mean, lately.

I've had some pretty best Saturdays ever when I was dating my boyfriends after all. So, these were the new best Saturdays ever. And I expect that Cam and I will have a lot of them in the next two years. Especially since I insisted on buying us both annual passes so we can go whenever we want.

We're already making plans to go for a few evenings when he's off work and I'm not busy with the intern shifts at my patisserie professor's restaurant. It's been pretty fun so far, being a pastry chef. I mean, it's not that different than what I was doing at the diner for the past few years or with my catering business. Just different desserts and pastries to make. Luke was going to be thrilled with the chocolate chip brioche I learned to make last week.

I've still been keeping up with everything because Raven has turned in to such a fount of knowledge about my family. I feel bad for him that I'm not able to meet in person right now. Things have been tough for their family and his wife isn't helping things much. Tensions are absolutely running at 3000% for the Toma family. So, he's been spending a lot more time at the gun range than he has at home because he isn't able to go get a Russian food fix. I mean, he totally could. There are a couple places that we both liked as far as Russian food, but he prefers mine. He has always said how much he appreciated that I would cook his favorites.

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