Chapter 107

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I cradled my latte mug in my hands and blew a short breath across the top to cool it before taking a sip. "Do you ever feel like your brain is going to explode from a sudden influx of knowledge?"

Cam snorted a laugh before mimicking my move and blowing on his coffee before taking a longer sip. "Usually? No. Today, absolutely." He nodded slightly, setting down his cup and reaching to grab a slice of the baguette between us, eating it before using a finger to flip through the printout's we'd grabbed at each location we viewed today. "Today was great though." He said, looking up, his blue eyes catching mine in a long measuring look.

I smiled slightly, taking my own piece of bread. "Yeah, Today was fun." I said, stifling a yawn before nibbling the crust off the bread. "I don't know how I'll ever start to choose a place though." I admitted, rolling my neck as I set my mug down.

"Not enough options?"

"No..." I shook my head. "Far too many options yet, I think the ones I'm really in love with are likely out of my range."

"Didn't your family say it wasn't a problem?"

I shrugged. "Yes." I finally admitted. "But I'm determined to not let them foot the bill like that. I don't want to be outside of what I can actually afford. I'd like to figure out a way to force them to take payments when I get home again."

He inclined his head slightly. "Makes sense to me." He said, "These ones, right?" He pulled three papers out of the stack.

"Those would be the ones." I nodded, glancing at them to confirm.

"Those are my favorites too." He said, settling back in his chair to study me for a moment.


"I know we really haven't known each other long and we certainly haven't spent much time together before today..."

"I hear a giant but coming." I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Hear me out."

"I'm listening." I said, raising a hand. "I shouldn't have interrupted."

He grinned. "It's okay." He took another sip of his coffee before continuing. "What if we decided we could make roommates work? What if we bought a place together? I know I said I'd grab one of the places you didn't take but I have the same budget concerns that you do."

"So... co-owners of the flat and whoever leaves first will be bought out?"

"Sure. Split utilities and expenses." He said. "These places are within walking distance of the hotel and the patisserie."


"And living with someone would increase the safety."

I smiled. "For me or you?"

He laughed. "Both." He rolled his eyes. "Duh. I'm very at risk."

I snorted. "Sure, you are."

"I am. I am a very delicate flower." He said, innocently, making me laugh. "I'm serious though. Would you be okay with a guy as a roommate?"

I shrugged. "Don't underestimate me or assume things about my upbringing. My brother had a lot of friends, so I pretty much grew up with a bunch of brothers and my best friend for the past few years is a guy. I'm very down with my masculine side." I said. "What about you? Are you sure you want to have a girl as a roommate?"

He shrugged. "I have no problem with the fact you're a girl."

"Of course, you don't."

His eyes flicked up to meet my gaze. "I think our biggest question is if we can manage to share a bathroom." He said, pulling the sheet for one of our top picks. It was a two-bedroom condo but it only had one bathroom. "I mean, I can handle it. I figure we'll divide and conquer on the drawers in the bathroom and take turns cleaning it." He shrugged. "But this place..." I watched him tap the page. "The bedrooms are on opposite ends of the place, remember?"

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