Chapter 140

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Zack thumbed open his group chat and sent a quick text to his family. ~Hey, guys? I just found out who I've been designing for.~

Pete: You never knew?

Tony: No, it's been a completely guarded secret.


Cam: So spill, who did you design a bakery for?

Sam: Inquiring minds want to know.

Josh: Inquiring minds need to know if you want any searches done.

~Hell no. I'm not in any need of having searches done.~

Tony: So who have we been busting our asses for?

~Turns out it was for my ex.~ Zack held his breath slightly after he'd sent the text. There were a lot of bubbles popping up with dots indicating that one or more of them were typing some response to the news. A series of emojis popped up ranging from wide eyed shock to mind blown.

Cam: And are you okay with this development?

~I'm fine. It's just a surprise but at the same time, I can't believe I didn't figure it out.~

Sam: Why would you have figured it out? From what you guys always said about it, it's been completely anonymous.

~True. Just feels like Academy wise, we should have figured it out.~ Zack paused as it hit him just how and why it was so secretive. Of COURSE it had been anonymous. He'd met every member of Jessica's extended family and they KNEW that he'd immediately guess that it was for her.

All in all, a smart idea really. If there'd been bad feelings on his side of things then they may have thought he'd sabotage it. But he'd been the one who wronged her. It was more likely that they'd kept him a secret from her as well in case she refused the building. There was more to the story, he was sure of it and maybe that would be a topic of discussion for them to have when they were talking for the next week before their date.

Pete: Good thing you met her then. That's cool...

Cam: Very cool. You guys all right? We're all back and living together now but I haven't thought to ask if everyone's okay still. We've never lived together as a whole team for a long time.

Tony: All good here. It's nice having you guys around again.

Josh: Even nicer that Cam makes such nice lattes for us every morning.

Cam: You're the ones leaving the house for now. It'll be your turn to do something nice for me at the end of July when I figure out what I'm doing.

Sam: Yeah, what are you doing? I thought you were going to get on at the hotel here.

Cam: Mandatory time off and honestly, I'm weighing options. If I had the right contacts to at least do the food part, I'd be tempted to be spending the rest of my time off seeing if I could find somewhere to turn into a bed and breakfast.

~You have the skills for that. And I know a baker...~

Cam: good point. So, about this ex of yours. What's the plan?

Tony: Spill the plans, man. What's next?

Zack rolled his eyes as everyone said basically the same thing. If he didn't know any better, he'd think they were just desperate for one of them to be getting somewhere relationship wise. ~Chill. I just wanted to tell you that I finally met the owner. Plan? We have a date next Saturday. We'll be talking probably every day between now and then.~

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