Chapter 71

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Tony's heart hurt and he rubbed his hand against his chest. He wanted to turn around and knock on her door and insist that she give him a chance to make it up to her.

But she was just as stubborn... determined... as he was and it would probably only mean a big argument that kept them at odds for a while. In which case, it would be best to let her have what she wanted and not argue.

But he was serious about what he'd said. If she ever changed her mind or fully got over her ex, he wanted another shot. He glanced at the clock again and huffed a sigh. It wasn't really the night for their group chat but after Jess had just handed him his heart on a platter, he wasn't really in the mood to be alone tonight so he could only hope that most to all of his brothers were awake and not busy tonight.

Besides, he had to let them know about the change in his plans.

He thumbed open the message thread on his phone and hesitated before starting to type.

~Hey... you guys around? Need to talk plans again. ~

He sent the message and put his arm up behind his head while he waited to see who was around.

Elm: Hey. What's up? Kinda late for you...

Ash: We're around though... not much happening since classes aren't starting for fall term yet.

~What... no illicit parties tonight for you all to break rules? ~

Oak: They didn't say that. What's going on? You've got me worried about you.

Pine: Yeah, not that I'm not glad to hear from you, brother but this is a bit unusual for you.

Fir: Everything okay with your girl? Need more time to stick around home still?

~Actually, wanted to talk about that. ~

Elm: She finally find out you're a fiend?

Ash: Too pretty for your sorry ass...

Oak: Oh, come on, she seems to have always been okay by what you said.

Pine: Grovel? You know... do as I say, not as I did and all that.

Fir: Dude... spill.

~I would if you'd all just stop talking at once. I can't type that fast and you know it. I'll be there in 3 weeks. Next one back is going to be here by then, yeah? ~

Elm: I can be sooner if you want. I have to get a couple things in place for being back in town.

~If you want. ~

Ash: Seriously. What's up? Am I finally going to get to figure her out online? Just say the word.


Oak: I thought she was okay with Academy...?

~She is. I may have been ... well. I overstepped our boundary a couple weeks ago, and it's been a little tense and steps way back from where we were. I own it. It's my fault. ~

Fir: Do we need to have a more serious discussion? You can private message me, you know.

Pine: So too far past the groveling. Sorry, man. That sucks.

~Thanks. Yeah, she cut me off, dumped me tonight. Said she felt like she was holding me back from what I wanted in a relationship. ~

Oak: Was she?

~NO. You know me better than that. ~

Elm: Yeah, we do. You can't fault us for asking. It's hard enough to have left you behind for the last while, you can't make us stop wanting to take up your cause.

Ash: Yeah, I swear. I can take care of whatever you want me to online. Just ... say the word. My fingers are itching to do a little digging.

Pine: Just tell him no. he still has a hard time listening. However, he does wonders with phone number scrambling in case you think she might become a stage 5 clinger.

~ha. No, she's not like the girls you're having to protect yourself against back there. She's great. She... she did the right thing for her. *shrug* No worries. ~

Oak: If you're sure. Then we'll just look over the schedule and make sure that the timing is right. I know you now want to get out here and it's true, we should probably get someone back into town before you leave.

Elm: I'll start tomorrow in getting any of my loose ends wrapped up so I can give you a better idea of when I'll be back.

Pine: It'll all work out, T.

~Thanks. I appreciate the support, Brothers. I do miss you guys. ~

Fir: We miss you too. I'll call you tomorrow. We probably should talk about this at some point.

~Okay. That's fine. Yeah, we'll discuss. Thanks again... ~

There was a flurry of signing off texts from the guys but Tony closed out his messenger and put his phone on his charger before grabbing a churro out of the box that Jessica had given him. He studied it for a long moment before putting it back. He didn't need anything to eat right now, it was late and he should get some sleep so that he could start getting things ready to leave soon.

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