Chapter 139

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I practically hit the doors at the hospital like an edge rusher coming around the end of the offensive line to sack the quarterback. As they flew open, I rushed through and tried not to run as I headed straight for the elevators, hitting the button for the maternity floor repeatedly as if it would respond faster to multiple occasions of pushing the button.

It took forever.

I would not doubt it if the baby was here by the time the elevator made it to the right floor.

Despite leaving him behind in the parking lot, Raven actually made it to my side just as the elevator doors opened and we were able to walk in. "You're fast." I said.

"I'm prepared and needed the cardio." He returned before shoving a bag in my arms.

"What's this?" I asked.

"Professional Russian always prepared for any situation." He said with a shrug. "Academy prep, you know?"

"But what's in it?"

"What you need to not look like you were on a date." He said, his eyebrow ring wiggling as he raised an eyebrow at me. "Shoes, everything. Snacks..."

"Oh, good. Snacks." I smiled. "Thanks. I would probably be annoyed that I hadn't made you take me home to spend a few moments changing."

He shook his head. "Baby may come fast, why waste time on that? Need to be here, little bird."

If I wasn't so excited about my niece getting here, I would have kissed him. But the elevator had made fairly quick progress to the fourth floor and the doors opened with a ping and we were standing there staring at the rest of my family. "Where is she?" I asked, eyes searching each of them in turn.

"I'll take you." Luke said, coming over and taking my hand. "Thanks for getting her here, Raven."

"You're welcome." He nodded. "I'll be waiting too." He said, making his way over to claim a chair.

"Thank you..." I called out over my shoulder as Luke escorted me to Sang's room. "How's things? I know it's early."

He shrugged. "She's okay. I think it's the rest of us panicking in turns about what's happening now. Like it's real."

"Of course it's real." I frowned at him. "It's going to be just fine. And baby girl will be here at the end of it." I said.

"Thanks Jessie..." He kissed my forehead before opening the door.

"If you leave, there's some containers on the cooling rack at the diner. You could bring them here. Just cookies and rolls just stuff that doesn't need to be reheated to be good." I said.

"I'll keep that in mind."

I smiled at him before walking into the room. "Okay, sweetie, let's have a baby. Your labor coach is here." I teased, setting my bag in one of the chairs in the room before I approached the bed.

"You were on a date! Why are you here?" Sang blinked at me. Owen chuckled from her other side. "You shouldn't have come, you needed to be on your date."

I shook my head, waving a hand. "No, this is far better than the date. I'm so grateful to baby girl for deciding to come join us tonight, you don't even need to worry about it."

"Something we need to look into?" Owen asked.

I raised my head, meeting his gaze before shrugging. "No, because it's personal not professional. He's just not a good date."

"What happened?" Sang asked, reaching out to snag my hand in her free hand.

"You mean between the talking constantly once we were in the car and ordering for me without asking if that's what I'd be remotely interested in eating? Or the part where he called me a bitch for needing to cut out on the band he wanted to see and come here? Because trust me, wasn't a tough decision on my part and Raven apparently had decided to trail me via phone GPS all night. So I had back up before anything got anywhere close to out of hand." I said.

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