Chapter 35

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I was on pins and needles all day on Sunday. Sang had tried to reassure me that Kota would not be such a jerk to Zack, reminding me that she and Luke would run as much interference as was needed to be a buffer between them.

I know that was meant to reassure me but, I just couldn't help but be a bit nervous.

I'd been dating him for about 6 weeks and had been too chicken in all this time to simply pick up the phone and tell my big brother, who I did honestly, truly love and respect, that I'd met the greatest guy who made me happy and genuinely seemed to respect and appreciate me.

Yeah, big chicken raising my hand in the corner. I was nervous enough about it that I just wanted to keep my blankets over my head and sleep all day long and ignore all of them.

But it was all my idea and that would make me a terrible girlfriend if I tossed him to the wolves.

This was exactly why I'd been considered the one and done girl at school. I just couldn't take that anymore.

Somehow, time managed to fly by as Mom and I worked together in the kitchen to prep the salads and everything that we were going to be eating that day – marinating chicken, making burger patties – stuff like that. I made lemonade and sweet tea and checked that my cakes were still looking as pretty as they had the day before. "Go change sweetie." Mom kissed the top of my head and playfully slapped my butt to urge me upstairs. "The boys and Sang will be here soon and you want to be ready for Zack to arrive too."

"Thanks, Mom." I said before taking the stairs two at a time, stripping at the top of the stairs to take a quick shower. I braided my hair and put some make-up on before dressing for comfort in a pair of cut off jeans and a tank top. I frowned slightly, hoping this was one of those days Sang wore shorts too. Otherwise, I'd look sadly underdressed at my own BBQ. I slid my feet into my flip flops and went back downstairs, as Kota and the others arrived.

I breathed a sigh of relief at the fact that Sang was also wearing shorts and a tank top and I hugged her. "Oh good. I'm so glad you're wearing shorts too." I whispered in her ear.

"You're welcome. Gabriel had a really cute skirt and top ready for me and I put my foot down." She laughed before hugging me back.

Luke tugged on my braid as he sailed through the entry way into the kitchen. "Looking good, Jess."

I rolled my eyes at him. "Do you realize that my entire life, you walk through this door and zoom straight on through to the kitchen?" I called after him.

"Your mom's in here and I'm sure there's cookies somewhere." He yelled back before popping his head back around the doorway and grinning at me.

I shook my head at him. "You're impossible." He laughed.

Kota hugged me. "So, I hear that there's a guy coming today." He kissed my forehead.

"And you better be nice to him." I threatened. The rest of the guys laughed. "All of you." I frowned, glancing out the front door around Sean and seeing Zack's car pull into the driveway. "maybe you should all go outside now. North, Mom's got all the meat for the grill on a platter." I said before I darted around the rest of them with barely any greeting and headed straight for Zack as he was getting out of the car. "Hey." I beamed up at him.

"Hey beautiful." Zack said, cupping a hand around my neck as he lowered his head to meet mine and kissed me square on the lips. "I've missed you." He murmured as he pulled away and looked into my eyes.

"I've missed you. Did you have a good time working last night?" I stretched back up on my tip toes, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him down to kiss him again.

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