What Your Afraid Of

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Natsu: (Your afraid of spiders) "Natsu!" Natsu runs around the corner only to see you huddled on a chair freaking out about a spider on the wall. "Kill it!" You scream at Natsu "Magic word" he replied, you give him a glare. "Please kill the spider before I kill you" you give him a forced smile. "That's better."

Gray: (Your afraid of Juvia) "Give me My Gray back or you'll be sorry!" Juvia has a scary Ora moving around her. "Uhh..No..He's mine—" Juvia pushes you against a wall, you start to slide down it. "Y/N?" Said Gray From the other side of the room. Juvia let you go and spun around to walk off. "Gray please Don't leave me with her on a mission again!"

Gajeel: (Your afraid of losing him) Gajeel is about to go on a two week mission that you can't go on, before every mission your afraid he won't come back so you beg him to stay. "Please don't leave!" You grab his arm "I'll be back" he replies kissing your head "But what if you don't come back!" He stares into your eyes and takes your hands in his. "I'm not alone it's fine I'll be back I promise" he starts out the door with panther lily on their job.

Laxus: (Your afraid of lightning) Thunder struck as you ran to your house in the dark, you got lost in the blackness just as it started to rain. You turned down an ally way and sat back to a wall and cried. The Thunder was loud and the lightning flashed, you wished Laxus was there with you as he almost always was when there was a thunder storm. Suddenly the man himself appeared in front of you, he wrapped his coat around you and led you to your house. "Thank you Laxus" "I'll always be there for you."

Freed: (Your afraid of making him angry with you) You were at home in your room reading one of Freeds books, when you turned a page and ripped it off by accident. "Oh on, this is his favourite book he's gonna be so mad." You hated when he was mad at you because it made you feel like he didn't love you. You heard him walk threw the door and you immediately hid the book and the page under the bed. "Y/N have you seen my book anywhere? I need to renew it" your heart was beating fast as he came into the room. "Y/N are you ok?" He asked noticing your fake smile and how you were looking at the bed awkwardly. "So what's under the bed that you don't want me to see?" He asked, this was to much you couldn't lie to him. "I'm so sorry" hugged him. "I accidentally ripped a page of the book out when I was reading it, you hate me now don't you" he just looked down at you confused and then hugged you. "I could never hate you, it was just a book."

Sting: (Your afraid of wasps) You and Sting are on a picnic together. A patch of pretty white tulips sit next to you. You have always hated bees and spiders but what got you most was the wasps, suddenly a wasp flew right by your face and you screamed startling Sting. "Y/N whats wrong?" You sat motionless petrified as it landed on the blanket. "It won't hurt you if—" "It may seem small but I know it's just waiting for the chances to sting me" you whisper. "It can't hear you so you don't have to whisper" the wasp moved to close for comfort and you stud up and bolted down a small hill. "Y/N it's one wasp, even if it did sting you it wouldn't hurt that much." You yelled back "I've never been stung before and I'm trying to keep it that way."

Rogue: (Your afraid of the dark) You and Rogue were walking down a narrow path way next to a lake. The sun was setting, you didn't want to show him that you were afraid of the dark so you said nothing as it lowered closer and closer to the water. "Beautiful isn't it Y/N" you nodded and stepped closer to him, you weren't exactly scared of the dark but scared of what was with in it..Minus Rogue. Now the sun had set completely and you couldn't see around you, you couldn't see or feel where Rogue was either and that worried you. "Rogue!" You yell tears filling your eyes "Ya?" He replied "Where are you? I can't see and—" "Your afraid of the dark aren't you?" You felt his arm wrap around your waste, pulling you closer as you walked along the path back to the guild.

Lyon: (Your afraid of failing him) During a job you both were on, Lyon told you to finish off a group of guys from a dark guild trying to escape. You being a M/T Wizard were powerful, but to your surprise one guy had you pinned to the ground with some sort of gravity magic and the other was ready to finish you off with a sword. *This was a simple job, Lyons gonna think I'm weak for being Ko'd by a couple guys* A tiger made from ice flashed by you and clawed the guy with the sword. A second tiger took out the gravity magic guy releasing you from his hold. "Are you ok Darling?" He asked you, a sad look crossed your face as he was the one to take them down when he had asked you to. "What's the matter?" "I'm not strong like you are, Why'd you pick me?" Lyon had a shocked look "I picked you because I love you for Why you are, not by how strong your magic is" He kissed you on the head as you both walked off to collect your jewels.

Bikslow: (Your afraid of him loving another girl) Bikslow was talking with Lizana and they were laughing and you were worried he loved her more than he loves you. You walk over to them and regretted your next decision. "Bikslow if you love her more than me be with her!" Bikslow's face was in shock, he grabbed you and kissed you "Were only friends Y/N no need to worry" "That's the one thing I worry about, but I know it's not something I should be."

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