Rufus x Reader

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"My memory is as sharp as ever but yet I cannot seem to remember where I have put those books on post magic" Rufus has been in the library for a few hours reading up on lost and forbidden magic's. He had a stack of books but has yet to remember where he put them. "Wait..I did put them on that side table meaning my memory hasn't failed me yet and..Some one took my books!" He crossed his arms staring at the place where his books were and looking around him for any sign of movement. He heard your voice behind him and he turned around.  "You shouldn't leave your books un attended, someone might just slip in and take them!" You laughed cheerfully. "Y/N Why must You always pester me like this?" He asked with a smirk across his face "I suppose I shall punish you now..Memory make!" You jumped out from behind a bookshelf holding the stack of books. "Fine! Here's your books" Rufus happily took them back. "You know instead of being annoying to get my attention we could just do something.." he turned away his face blushing a light red. You looked at him shocked for a moment no knowing what to say. "Why do you Looks at me like that Y/N?" He asked. "Did you just ask me on a date?" You replied smiling "If you object than—" You stopped him mid sentence "No I don't object..I want to go out with you Rufus." His face was blushing red now knowing that you wanted to go. He turned and stepped closer to you pulling you into his arms *Wait is he?-"* Before you could think, his lips were on yours and after a moment you Kissed him back. "Hey Uhh.....Oh I'm not supposed to be here so uhh ya—" Olga stops eyes wide staring at the two of you. "Get out!" You both yelled as he turned and ran out the door. "I love you Y/N" He smiled and you replied "I love you to Rufus."

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