Your Siblings Reaction To Who Your Dating

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Gray:"Your dating flame brain?!"


Gray:"He makes one wrong move and i'll kill him"


Gray: (For dating Lyon)

Gray: "Now he can't be with Juvia!"

You: "He wants me"

Gray: "Well I don't want Juvia!"

You: "Well not my problem"

Juvia peeks from behind corner "My beloved Gray belongs to me.."

Gray: "Oh crap..Thank a lot Y/N"


Lyon: "Your kidding me right?"

You: "No"

Lyon: "I already hated him"

You: "I know"

Lyon: "Are you saying your dating him to annoy me?"

You: "Not what I meant"

Lyon: "Fine date him if you want"


Levy: "Dang it you got to him first"

You: "Yes yes I did"

Levy: "Fine but try not to make me more jellos than I am already"

You: "I'll try"

Levy: "Not helping"


Freed: "You two are perfect together"

You: "Really?"

Freed: "Your personality's are the same"

You: "Except I didn't try to take over the guild"

Freed: "I don't advise it"

You: "I never said I was going to"


Evergreen: "Well theirs another reason to teas him"

You: "Rude"

Evergreen: *Smirks*

You: "Your so mean"


Erza: "I'm always there to punish him if he hurts you" (Evil glare in her eyes)

You: *Oh crap she's serious"

You: "Uhh....Ok" (Slinks away)


Natsu: "Sting huh?"

You: "ya"

Natsu: "I'll beat him up when he hurts you"

You: "You mean if? right"

Natsu: "i'm just looking to fight him again"

You: "Not over our relationship!"

Natsu: "Never said it had to be"



Sting: "I can't seem to see him being into anyone"

You: "Were dating"

Sting: "I know I never said I wasn't happy for you"

You: "So your ok with it?"

Sting: "Ya just make sure to let him hang out with me to"

You: "Ok"

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