1; Wrong

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Error leaned his head on the table in front of him. He had this migraine that seemed to overwhelm every sense he had. 
"You okay there Error?" Nightmare hummed leaning forward in his seat, folding his hands under his chin, and leaning on them.
"NoOoO!" Error snarled dragging his word out. The other just smirked coldly.
"So how much?" He hummed
"NoT eVeRyThInG. JuSt WhAt SeEmS lIkE tHe WoRsT bItS." Error whispered.
"Wow. For me the worst bits include everything." Nightmare laughed.
"JuSt ShUt Up." Error snarled.
"Oh~ little error upset? or should I say-" 
"CAN iT!" Error yelled turned and wrapping his strings around nightmares neck.
"But R-"
"THaT ISNt My NaME!" Error tightened the strings.
"YOu cAN BlAme YoUrSeLf FoR tHaT cHaNgE." And with that he Error was gone.
"How's that my fault? Your the one who changed that!" Nightmare yelled out into the now empty room.

Error let out a loud yell and went to tear down a line of strings when his head began to pound at an unimaginably painful rate. He fell to the ground clutching his skull tightly. He let out a loud glitchy scream.
"Error? Oh Error!" A voice, one he couldn't recognize in his pain, yelled out throughout the blank space. He felt empty arms wrapping around him and pulling his shaking body to their form. He didn't know who it was but they weren't triggering his haphephobia and there was only one person who hadn't triggered it.
"SqUiD?" He whispered through his pain and there was a sharp gasp before his world went blank.

"Hes only ever called you squid! It must mean something that he thought I was you!" Dream yelled out.
"It means nothing. He calls me squid as an insult because I puke ink whenever I get to overwhelmed." Ink huffed.
"He said it like you were the only light in a pitch black world." Dream teased. Ink snarled and turned, balling his fists. He could once again feel free emotions fill his system which made him feel like he would be throwing up ink in a moment.
"WOULD YOU JUST SHUT UP?" He yelled out.
"WOULD YOU BOTH QUIET DOWN?" Blue yelled from upstairs where Error was lying asleep. Ink and Dream went completely silent for a moment before ink covered the sole couch in the house.
"Awe come on Ink!" Dream groaned and Ink rubbed a drop of ink off his chin.
"Sorry." The soulless being whispered, reaching for a vial of calm paint. He tipped the tube up and guzzled it, letting the calm waves topple over him.

"Error you shouldn't be standing!" Ink looked up to see Error looking over the railing. His hands shook and he stared blankly at the vials.
"I'lL bE fInE." Error hissed and for a moment the room was silent. Ink watched Error who seemed to be glaring intensely at the vials.
"Are you doing better?" Dream asked.
"WhO bRoUgHt Me HeRe?" Error asked trying not to lean too far forward.
"I found you. I told you after I finished healing what I could I would periodically check on you." Dream hummed. Errors face fell into heartbreak.
"Oh." he whispered before falling over once again.
"Error!" Blue yelped rushing to grab his friend who began yelling in pain again.

Blue was trying desperately to clutch his friend as he screamed. He needed to get Error into his room but he couldn't move the screaming skeleton.
"Ra….. Er… aC…." Error was whispering a word over and over. Blue could only pick up bits and pieces but Error was calling it like the word would save him.
"Error? Can you stand?" Blue whispered and the other nodded weakly. Blue helped his friend stand and walk him towards Blue's room. Error was shaking and when Blue looked closer his string tears were falling all around.
"We're almost there. Don't worry. Is there anyone that can help you? Who knows what's going on?" Blue clutches Errors hand and he nodded but didn't speak for a moment, trying to quell his screams.
"NiGhTmArE…" Error whispered after a moment and Blue nodded. He stood but error reached out and blue strings tied around his waist. 
"No.. NoT aLoNe… DoNt LeAvE mE aLoNe." Error whimpered and Blue sighed. He allowed Error to tug him back to the chair he had placed next to his bed.
"I'll stay until your asleep okay? If he knows what's going on he might be able to help." Blue whispered.
"No… wRoNg.. He CaNt HeLp." Error whispered and Blue just stared at him.
"Can I hug you?" He asked and when Error nodded he pulled the sickly seeming skeleton into his arms.
"I'll stay as long as you need me okay?" Blue told his friend.
"YoU cAlLeD mE yOuR bRoThEr WhEn I wAs FiGhTiNg InK, dId YoU mEaN iT?" Error murmured from his spot now burrowed in Blue's scarf.
"Of course I did. I see you as my elder brother, do you not see me as your younger?" Blue eyelights starred calmly at the black skull underneath his white one.
"YeS. I gUeSs YoU cOuLd SaY i Do." Error whispered.
"Then I'm your brother. I'll stay as long as you need me to. I'll take care of you until your better." Blue smiled. Error nodded. After a few minutes his quaking quelled and he began to breath, well the skeletal way of breathing, more evenly.

An hour after Error had fallen asleep Blue peeled himself from the others grip. He smiled down at Error before sighing quietly. He raised a hand and carefully untitled his scarf before putting it in Errors open hand. He pulled the blankets up to cover error more sufficiently before leaving his room.

"How is he doing?" Dream asked.
"Something is really wrong Dream I worry about him so much…" Blue whispered.
"Do you know what it is?" Ink chimed in.
"No. He knows something but won't say it. He kept saying a word on repeat. I couldn't completely make it out but he said it like his life depended on that word." Blue hugged his arms to his chest.
"Did he say anything else about it at all?" Dream pressed.
"Nightmare knows what's going on. Or at least Error says he does." Blue felt his hands shaking. Dream reached forward and grabbed the smallest sans' hands. Blue relaxed as positivity filled his system.
"Something is really wrong Dream. Really really wrong and he wont tell anyone."

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