the second chapter

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december 4, 1956

mountain view, california

The very next day, Gil stopped by to give me the application. "Don't even vorry about zhit, Al." he told me as he handed me the application "Uncle Fritz vill make sure zhou get zee internship." I snickered "Duh. Uncle Fritz can do anything! He's totally awesome!" Gilbert and I chatted a little more, but he eventually left. 

After his departure, I took the application to my room and began to fill it out. The first page only asked for the basics, like my name, date of birth, and social security number. However, the next page would have been a bit concerning, had I not had Uncle Fritz in my corner. Education? I had nothing past a high school diploma, as I believed college was for nerds. Besides, I don't need a degree to join the CIA, right? Past jobs? I once got a job at McDonalds, but that was only to see how many burgers I could eat before they fired me. Turns out I could gobble up 25. I wrote that down. Ok, next question. Have I ever gotten arrested? In the past year, I'd had run ins with the police for peeing on the Alamo, hiding under the slide and scaring toddlers, illegally possessing a tiger, and many more offenses. I simply checked the box for "no". They had no way of finding out, right? After finishing filling out some other boring fields, I finally walked over to the post office. As I got into line, I noticed that I recognized the girl in front of me was the Elizabeta Héderváry. 

Okay, imagine the biggest, most rebellious nonconformist you know. Good, now multiply that by 1,000. Congrats! You now have a basic idea of Elizabeta. In one high school year, Elizabeta managed to get dress coded exactly 124 times, get arrested 10 times for starting riots, spray paint Death to the Patriarchy on 10 gym lockers, get suspended for sneaking into the men's room to clog the toilets, and go to juvie for beating a boy who liked her with a frying pan, to name a few. And she was standing right in front of me. Suddenly, she turned to face me, her intense green eyes boring into my soul. 

"Yo. You went to my high school, correct?" I breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't plan on killing me today. ", what have you been doing lately?" I stuttered, trying to make conversation with this beautiful yet dangerous creature. "Welp, I dumped Roderick after he told me to stop protesting the government. Then I got arrested for starting a riot, so my parents disowned me. Now, I'm moving in with Feliks." I chuckled to myself. How characteristic of her. "Who is this Feliks you speak of?" I asked. If this guy is associated with Elizabeta, he's sure to be a colorful character. Elizabeta chuckled "So glad you asked. Feliks is a friend of mine who lives in Greenwich, New York. Polish immigrant. Pretty well known in the drag community. He and I met a couple years back while he was doin' a show. We clicked immediately and became pen pals. He hates the government almost as much as I do. Fights back and gets arrested every time the police try to raid a bar he's at." 

Elizabeta's face suddenly turned dark. "He's been real sad since the police arrested his Lithuanian boyfriend on suspicions of him being a spy. Hasn't heard from the poor boy in months." Elizabeta then noticed it was her turn to mail her letter. "At this rate, the government will be experimenting on people in no time flat." she said sarcastically as her letter hit the bottom of the mailbox with a plunk. I chuckled. "Yeah, but this is America. That would never happen here." Elizabeta grinned."Darn right. Anyway, it was nice talking to you...?" "Alfred" I asserted. "The name's Alfred." "Nice talking to you, Alfred. Perhaps we'll meet again." "Perhaps" I dropped my application in the mailbox as she vanished from sight. 

As her lean figure disappeared, one of her statements came back to me. At this rate, the government will be experimenting on people in no time flat, she had said. My thoughts darkened a bit, which was pretty uncharacteristic of my egotistical, happy-go-lucky self. That would never happen here. Would it?


Chapter 2 is here! Algebra Honors has been killing me to death, so I've barely had time to write. Henceforth, new updates will be at least once a month instead of every other week. Also, for those of you wondering "WHERES MY RUSAME!?!", your RusAme is coming...eventually. So stick around! If you liked this chapter, PLEASE vote and follow me! It means a lot!




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