Chapter 16: Rogercop

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It was Career Day!

Everyone was in class having their parents in the class with them, the event was to introduce parents and students to all sorts of occupations!

Tom was first and told about his line of work!

Tom: "My day begins at 4 a.m. every morning because the bakery opens at 7. You think that the life of a baker is pretty routine, making the same pastries, rolls, cakes... but actually, it's different every day. One day someone might order a cake in the shape of the Eiffel Tower, and another day you might--"

As Tom is talking about his daily work schedule, Adrien is trying to get a hold of his father!

Phone: "You've reached the voicemail of Gabriel Agreste's office. Please leave a message."

Adrien: "Hi father, it's me. It's Parent's Career Day at school, remember? I was hoping that you were gonna show up. Call me back."

Plagg: "You okay?"

Adrien: "Yeah, whatever. Nothing new."

Tom: "Marinette will come around and pass out some croissants baked fresh this morning."

Ms. Bustier: "Thank you, Mr. Dupain. Now, let's meet Alya's mom, who is head chef at the Grand Paris hotel, owned by our mayor, Mayor. Bourgeois."

Mayor Bourgeois introduced himself in the class, meanwhile outside... Shinnosuke and Kiriko were sent to Paris due to terrorist activity and their suspect might be a Roidmude due to the fact that they are now everywhere!

Chloe then took out her precious bracelet!

Sabrina: "Ooh..."

Sabrina tries to touch it...

Chloe then slapped her hand away: "SEE! Not touch..."

Mayor Bourgeois: "Keep it safe Chloe! It could get to the wrong hands..."

Chloe then placed it back to her bag!

Chloe: "I wonder how many croissants your dad would have to sell to buy you one of these? What am I saying? He'd have to sell the whole store!"

Marinette: "Well, if you're so rich, obviously you don't need free croissants!"

Chloe: "Ugh, jealous."

Plagg then spots her bracelet!

Plagg: "Is that Camembert?"

Plagg then enters Chloé's bag

Plagg: "Huh? Oh, that's not Camembert... But it is very shiny. I like shiny, hmm!"

Plagg then flies to it and inspects it!

Plagg then balances it on his head but falls and got stuck on his head!

Marinette was serving everybody croissants, then she trips on Chloe's bracelet!

Chloe: "Geez, is there a day when you're not tripping over something?"

Miss Bustier: "Next on the list is Sabrina's father, a policeman. Officer Roger!"

students applaud loudly

Roger: I've been a police officer for 15 years, and I firmly believe that every citizen is innocent until proven guilty.

Chloe then checks her bag and in her usual spoiled brat manners, she then blames Marinette for stealing it!

Chloe: (gasps) "My bracelet! It's gone! I had it a second ago." 

Chloe then pointed to Marinette: "You! You stole it!"

Marinette: "What? What are you talking about?!"

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