Chapter 11: Chameleon

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Shoutout for @ninjarider1 for giving me this idea! Thanks, Man!

It was a normal day in Paris and Marinette was rushing towards school because of her tardiness!

She ran past the security and went inside her class, as she went inside she saw Lila sitting next to Adrien!

Marinette went to Alya and asked her...

Marinette: "What's with the change of seats?"

Alya: "Lila's injury, and since the class could use a bit of a mix-up!"

Ms. Bustier: "Okay Class! Please go to your new seats..."

Lila sat next to Adrien in front, while Marinette sat in the back!

Marinette then daydreamed about being with Adrien and basically fangirling about her possible future life!

But that came crashing down when she saw Lila with Adrien acting out her lies!

Hawkmoth: "Ah... Highschool the arena of teenage angst, where emotions are so intense a perfect stadium for my Akumas..."

The Akuma was flying to the window next to Marinette, but Ms. Bustier then asked for everybody to open their textbooks Marinette calmed down and focused on studying

Hawkmoth: "Strange, I sense that the fury dying down, but the wheels are in motion, it's only a matter of time, be patient now my little Akuma!"

----Time Skip---

The class was in the cafeteria for lunch, and everyone was getting their lunch except Lila who lied and made people take her lunch for her!

Marinette became furious and it showed on her expression!

Alya: "Girl...What's your problem?"

Marinette: "Lila is obviously lying!"

Alya: "How do you know that?"

Nino: "Sorry, but she's really friendly!"

Marinette: "I'll prove it!"

Marinette: "Lila, Catch!"

Marinette then threw a tissue ball at Lila, Lila caught it but acted hurt!

Alya: "Marinette?"

Kim and everyone else came and checked on her...

Kim: "Lila are you okay?"

Max: "What did you do that for Marinette!?"

Marinette tried to say in her defense but was cut off by everybody being mad at her!

Marinette then ran into the bathroom where she meets and talks to Lila!

Lila: "Marinette!? Are you crying?"

Marinette: "What! No! I'm not!"

Lila: "I can sense that you don't like me, but I don't understand why? We barely know each other..."

Lila: "Please don't tell me it's because of the new seating arrangement in class"

Marinette the faces away!

Lila: "It is!"

Lila: "Of Course! You're jealous because I'm seating next to Adrien!"

Lila: "Because you would've done anything to sit there yourself!"

Lila: "You know what! It's really not worth fighting a boy!"

Lila: "You and I could be friends and who knows! I might be able to help you with Adrien..."

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