Chapter 12: Ikari Gozen

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A man in brightly multi-colored clothing happened to travel to Paris and he had a stick with underwear hanging off it, alongside a person with American clothing and a giant bucket...

Brightly clothed man: "I think this is the place where the other Riders went!"

American clothed man: "I heard that there are stereotypical spandex-wearing superheroes!"

Then a flying hand floated next to them!

Floating hand: "How stupid..."

American clothed man: "What did you say!? You stupid floating hand!?"

Floating hand: "What did you say, you stupid cell medal stealer!?"

Brightly clothed man: "Date, Ankh, please calm down..."

---Scene Change---

There was a big event called Friendship games, where everybody across the continent could participate to find a special guest!

The guest is none other than Adrian Agreste!

Marinette was one of the people who participated in the event!

Marinette was a nervous wreck who was cracking under pressure!

Marinette: "What if my phone lost power!"

Marinette: "What if I accidentally deleted the text!"

Alya was the order in her mess of a life!

Alya: "Don't worry about that Girl!"

Alya then gave her Marinette's phone and calmed her down...

Alya: "We got that cover, all that's left is for you to make a friend..."

Marinette: "Yeah! I won't let you down!"

Alya: "You Go! Girl!"

Then Marinette ran and went to the competition according to the riddles!

Marinette then went to the bridge and met Kagami!

The man in bright clothing approached Marinette and asked where the Eiffel tower is...

Marinette then pointed the way to the Eiffel tower and the man thanked her!

Marinette: "What's your name?"

Brightly clothed man: "Eiji, Hino Eiji!"

Then Eiji leaves...

Marinette then goes back to Kagami and talks to her about friendship and School...

Kagami's mom arrived and forbade her to participate in the friendship games!

Kagami disobeyed and participated regardless!

Hawkmoth sensed that Kagami's anger dying down and her mother's anger emerges!

Hawkmoth: "One negative emotion is disappearing, but another is forming quickly. I can feel the anger of a mother whose authority has been challenged."

Kagami's mom then drags her back to the car, but an Akuma went to her Kendo Sword and transformed her and the car with Kagami inside!

Marinette saw this and ran away to transform!

Marinette: "Tikki! Spot's On!"

Adrien saw this nearby and transformed too!

Adrien: "Plagg! Claws Out!"

The two teens transformed into Ladybug and Chat Noir!

The two approached Ikari Gozen, but Ikari Gozen used her sword and swung he sword hitting the two superheroes!

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