Chapter 10: Heroes Day!

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In class, everybody was doing their Heroes day holiday, a holiday where everyone is a hero with their good deeds, super or not!

Lila was face timing with the class making it look like she is in Prince Ali's palace...

Ms. Bustier: "How's India Lila?"

Lila: "Everything is beautiful, and a lovely view from here!"

Marinette: "Isn't Prince Ali in America right now...?"

Lila: "I'm not with him..."

The Videochat continued until it finished...

---Time Skip---

Everybody was cheering on for Ladybug and Chat Noir's heroism and made a holiday from them!

Everyone was cheering except for one person in particular...

Lila Rossi was there in her apartment and saw the Ladybug and Chat Noir floats!

Lila's Mom: "Lila are you sure school is still closed? I've been getting calls from your principal!"

Lila: "They're still closed after the Akuma attack..."

Lila's Mom:  "I'll be home a bit late and breakfast is at the fridge!"

Lila: "Ok Mom!"

Then Lila's Mom leaves...

Lila turned on her tablet and saw a statue of Ladybug being unveiled by Gabriel Agreste

Gabriel: "In honor of the wonderful Ladybug who has saved my son Adrien and myself, and who relentlessly protects all of us every day, I have financed this tribute to Ladybug. Because Ladybug is the only true hero unlike her mediocre imitations, such as Volpina."

Lila was so frustrated by this and became upset!

Then Hawkmoth sensed her unwavering hatred towards Ladybug and Chat Noir!

Hawkmoth: "Volpina, I am Hawk Moth. I'm giving you the power of illusion. You will be able to fool everyone with your illusions once again, but this time your goal is to make everyone fear and hopeless!"

Volpina: "I hear you Hawkmoth!"

Then Lila was covered by this dark purple aura and turned into Volpina!

Volpina leaped outside and went to the balcony on the Eiffel Tower...

Volpina then played her flute that made an illusion of an inverted Ladybug being Akumatized and Chat Noir fighting!

----Above the floats----


Chat noir: "Ladybug stop it! We can help you!"

Ladybug: "Too Late for that Kitty!"

Chat Noir: "Don't let Hawkmoth win!"

Ladybug: "But he already did..."

Chat Noir: "Then you leave me no choice!"

Chat Noir: "Cataclysm!"

Chat Noir charged at Ladybug and almost hit her with his Cataclysm!

Ladybug than took his hand and made him hit the Cataclysm on Chat Noir himself!

Ladybug: "Cataclysm you too!"

Ladybug laughs at Chat Noir who is slowly fading to ash...

Ladybug: "Hawkmoth has won!"

Everybody saw this and began to lose hope...

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