Chapter Twenty-One: Leave Them Impressed

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A/N: Sorry about being MIA! Classes have been rough this semester but I have been working on the stories. Before we get into the story I have a couple notes. 

1.) I have decided once I finish this story and Cap's Twin I will one by one add the 3 new stories that I discussed in A Panther's Panther chapter 36. Their titles are African Princess, Bright as the Sun, and Stark to Stark. 

2.) This story only has 3 chapters after this one which makes me super sad but we are in the endgame now. (Pun intended.) 

3.) I have written a bunch and will try and remember to post one everyday between the few stories I have currently active.

Alright so that is all I have information wise. So as always, I hope you enjoy!


Steve had Jacqueline pressed against the wall as he kissed down her neck. He basically jumped her after him and Tony walked in behind her. Jacqueline let out a little moan.

"Steve. We can't right now." She huffed softly. Steve kissed behind her ear almost as if he didn't hear her. She gripped his arms tightly and he jumped backwards slightly.

"Right. Right. Go ahead I'll meet with everyone in a minute." He said softly. He watched as Jacqueline walked away and shook his head. 


"Time travel suit? Not bad." Jacqueline heard Rhodey say as she walked over to where the group was standing. Jacqueline leaned in the doorway of the room and watched. It had been a few days since she arrived and she had to say she missed everyone.

"Hey, hey, hey! Easy, easy!" Scott stressed as Bruce started looking at the Pym particles.

"I'm being very careful." Bruce said defensively.

"No, you're being very Hulky." Scott told Bruce making Jacqueline snort lightly.

"I'm being careful." Bruce said quieter this time.

"These are Pym Particles, alright? And ever since Hank Pym got snapped out of existence, this is it. This is what we have. We're not making any more." Scott stressed to them.

"Scott, calm down." Rhodey said trying to make him feel better about it.

"Sorry. We've got enough for one round trip each. That's it. No do-overs. Plus two test runs." Scott sighed then accidentally pressed the button causing him to shrink and grow back to normal size. "One test run." Scott had put on the suit but was nervous about actually doing the run after the many attempts before."All right. I'm not ready for this." Scott said to the group.

"I'm game. I'll do it." Jacqueline said as she looked at everyone else. Jacqueline put her hair into an bun while humming a Russian lullaby.

"Тили-тили-бомЗакрой глаза скорееКто-то ходит за окномИ стучится в двериТили-тили-бомКричит ночная птицаОн уже пробрался в домК тем, кому не спитсяОн идет... Он уже близкоТили-тили-бомТы слышишь, кто-то рядом?Притаился за угломИ пронзает взглядомТили-тили-бомВсе скроет ночь немаяЗа тобой крадется онИ вот-вот поймаетОн идет... Он уже близкоТили-тили-бомТы слышишь, кто-то рядом?Притаился за угломИ пронзает взглядом."

"Is that Tili Tili Bom?" Natasha asked as she walked next to her.

"Yeah." Jacqueline said. 

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