Chapter Fifteen: Wakandan Help

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"Let's talk. Because if this is an intimidation talk about dating Jackie. I can take it. I've listened to it dozen times for girls I didn't care about." Bucky said narrowing his eyes at Sam. Sam sighed.

"Listen, to be blunt I hate you." Sam stated.


"BUT you make Jackie happier than I have ever seen her before. It isn't often when she cares for someone as deeply as she cares for you. I'm willing to look past my hate of you if you mean so much to her." Sam forced out. Bucky was surprised and almost unsure of what to say. "Don't take my kindness for weakness. I will lay you out if you hurt my baby girl. We clear?"

"Crystal." Bucky said smiling as Sam sat next to him. "I'm beginning to think I'm growing on you Sam."

"I take it all back. Please refrain from seeing my daughter."

"Nah. You enjoy my presence." He said making Clint and Scott laugh.


"I'm glad dad and Bucky are starting to get along." Jacqueline told Steve.

"I knew it might take a while but they have something great bringing them together." Steve said looking at her. "How much longer do we have until we reach Wakanda."

"Actually we are here." Jacqueline said as she moved the Quinjet through the trees that were actually a shield. Everyone stared in wonder as they flew over the massive country. "Breath taking right? It's a little overwhelming the first time you see it but it really is great." Jacqueline landed the Quinjet in front of the royals who were currently waiting for them. Shuri ran up and hugged Jacqueline when she saw her.

"I've missed you so much." Shuri said as she hugged her closest friend. She suddenly startled Jacqueline by hitting her. "How dare you stay away for so long?"

"I'm sorry. I couldn't sneak away to come visit." Jacqueline admitted. Ramonda walked over and Jacqueline held her hands out and slightly curtsied at the elder. "It's a pleasure my queen."

"Stop with the formalities and give me a hug." Ramonda laughed. Jacqueline happily accepted the hug.

"I'm so sorry for your loss. I will miss T'Chaka." She told Ramonda.

"Thank you." Ramonda whispered. She held Jacqueline for a moment longer then let go. Bucky started to walk off the plane and let out a soft groan. Quickly, Jacqueline was by his side letting him lean on her.

"Careful. Careful." She hissed as she helped him.

"Doll, I'm fine." He laughed. "I've taken worse asskickings when standing up for Steve."

"I don't give a shit. I'm taking you to the medical area then we are going to relax a little in my house."

"You have a house here?" Steve asked confused.

"Where the hell did you think I stayed when I visited them?" She said as if it was obvious.


Shuri and Wanda stared at Jacqueline in disbelief as she stood in front of her as the test ran. All were silent as they waited. It was Wanda who eventually broke the silence.

"When did you two even-"

"While I was traveling I bumped into Bucky in Paris under the Eiffel Tower. We went to my hotel room and it happened. That was 3 months ago." Jacqueline explained her eyes never leaving the screen.

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