Chapter Eleven: Thanks for the Memories.

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A/N: Two chapters in one day! Exciting, I know. Originally they were going to be one chapter but the more I wrote the more I knew it wasn't going to be. So I hope you enjoy them!

"You get on an actual suit. I'll handle her." Pepper said as she dragged Jacqueline off.

"Yes Ma'am." Tony said smiling.

Pepper pull Jacqueline into a bedroom. There was a giant rack of dresses and almost all of them were backless. Jacqueline gulped as she stared at it. It was her biggest fear.

"Pepper I can't-"

"It'll be fine the Senator will speak then you may be asked to speak then you will be done." Pepper said looking through tbe rack.

"That's not my-"

"This is super cute put it on."

"I can't

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"I can't."

"It'll be fine."

"Everyone will see-"

"It's your size and everything."

"I can't do it! I can't wear that!" Jacqueline yelled at Pepper. She covered her mouth then hid in the bathroom. Pepper walked to the living room and saw Tony struggling with his tie.

"You need to talk to her." She said taking the tie from him as she started tying it. "I scared her some how."

"Okay." He said. He walked into the bedroom and saw Jacqueline staring at the dress. "Its a beautiful dress."

"I agree. I can't wear it." She said. She closed her eyes as the sound of whips and screams replayed in her head.

"Why?" He sounded confused. That was understandable. She grabbed the bottom of her shirt and pulled it up and over her head so Tony had a clear view of the fresh hell on her back.

"Because I can't."

"That is a very good reason." Tony said before walking to the rack. "What terrorist cell did that?"

"My father. He used spiked whips to keep me in line when he didnt have me under command. If I never hear that phrase again it'll be too soon." She said. A dress dropped on the bed and she jumped slightly flinching.

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Project Silent Fox (Bucky X OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora