Ch.19- Who gives a f*ck

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Harry's POV

As I was walking with Heaven to Papa fro yo I saw Marco came out of the shop my head spinned a little and I saw Reaven looking a little confused herself when she never knew who the heck she just talked to.

"Who was thats guy you were just talking to before I came in?" she looked at me and chuckled

"I don't know who he is, but he just asked for my name." I sighed I cant believe she just said yes to him My life is over.

"Harry do you know him?" she asked I sighed I couldnt take the anger in me right now

"Reaven that was Marco!" she got surprised and I didnt want to shout

"Is he bad or something?" she asked again I shook my head knowing she doesnt know but she will get me fired.

"Reaven, he works for Modest and if they find out I made Heaven they will kill me!" I sighed I cant believe I said that in front of her and my daughter my anger got in me and the best of me.

Then Heaven ran to the restroom and I saw Reaven have a tear in her eye then a girl with brown hair came out and looked at me and then ran to Reaven.

I wanted to follow too, but I can't take back the words I said about them I think I got over my head because Modest just keeps making me go with them and I'm getting tired of it.

"She said to leave." I siged and did as the girl said I think I screw up big time just as I was about to walk out I felt my phone vibrate it was Ethel she texted me

Ethel: Harry come to the Flat now someone is looking for you his a old guy. I sighed and I saw Reaven came out and Heaven came out as well then she saw me walking away she ran away from Reaven and ran to me anf hugged me leg

"Daddy Please don't leave me and Mommy!" she begged I looked at Reaven and I saw tears escape Reavens face

"I'm Not leaving you guys, I love you guys I just snapped because Daddy's work got the best of him." she smiled a litted and hugged me I looked at Reaven and she shook her head and went in then the girl went down and looked at me

"Look, she missed you crazy for 3 weeks and I thought for a second you were going to leave her but whatever it is I understand ill talk to her for you." I smiled and she smiled back

"Thank you." she smiled and took Heaven

"Jasmine, I want to go to my daddy." I smiled knowing her name and I bend down in one knee and looked at Heaven

"Sweetie, Just go with her Daddy has to do something I promise you i'll come back for you." she nodded and I smiled at Jasmine and they went in I sighed and I walked to the flat I didn't want to bring the car because I want to think for while when I go there.

Ethel's POV 

I was in Niall's room and I saw Liam, Louis, Zayn, Liam and Niall sitting in one couch and the guy said he was waiting for Harry then I looked at little to see who it was and he looked so familiar it was the guy I saw with Eleanor in the This is us movie show case his the owner of Modest mangement, Richard Griffiths and another guy I don't give a fuck about why is he here?

Then I saw Harry came through the door I hid behind Niall's door so the owner wont see me because if he did he would want me to do something and I ain't no slut to do that then he stood up.

"Harry!" he shouted he hugged him

"How are you?" Harry gave fake smile, I can tell

"Fine." Richard nodded and smiled looked at the others boys

"Now you all know why I'm here?" he asked Liam looked at Zayn Looked at Niall and he looked at Louis and pretty much Harry looked down in the ground

"I do." Harry said I bit my lip knowing what the heck he might say I pray it won't be about Reaven

"Then, Why didn't you tell us you had a daughter with a Fan?" I gasps quietly knowing he just called her fan when, Yes I know she is one but seriously she has a damn name.

"Because I know you would take me away from her." he chuckled and looked at Harry

"What a smart boy, but you know I'm not that bad in life I want you to see your daughter but we already confirmed that you and Reaven are offical." he smiled a little looked at him

"But, I was going to ask her to marry me." hie eyes went huge

"Harry, what about your carrer, your going to expose the child?" Richard he stood up and looked at him stairght I took my phone out to record what his going to say because I want Reaven to hear this.

"Yes, I want to expose them, their not my little secret anymore I'm tired of keeping my own family a secret its my life and who cares if they talk about me and my soon to be wife and my own child If I want them to be expose with me they will you got that!" he shouted Richards face looked a litte scared and I smriked knowing Harry show him who the boss.

"Okay, FIne if you want it that way." Liam looked at Harry like he saw a monster in him or something.

"Good, so we have a deal that my family can follow us on tour." his eyes went big

"I didn't say anything about the tour." Harry rolled his eyes

"If you don't let my family follow I could always quit." his eyes went huge I know Harry would never do that he just wants to do that because he wants to scare the man.

"Okay fine, they can follow." then Niall stood up

"Even my girlfriend?" I felt my heart stop did he just do that?

"Who is your girlfriend?" he looked at his door and nodded for me to come out I saved the recording and came out the room I went in fornt of him looking at the man who almost runined my best friends boyfriend I wanted to chock the shit out of him but I am nice person I shook his hand and he smiled.

"So, your name is?" I smiled

"Ethel Estioko." he nodded knowing my name is the weirdest he can hear.

"What a nice name for a pretty lady." I smiled and he looked at the boys,

"Okay, I guess our descussion here is done, I thank you for the meeting see you guys at Australia." they nodded and he left I smiled and looked at them Harry was smiling like an idiot like he defifed the monster of his life.

"I did it." I chuckled and looked at me

"I didn't a fuck about what he was going to say!" he shouted I laughed and everyone did too I can't wait for Reaven to hear the good news.

"So, you going to tell Reaven?" he looked at me and sighed

"She's mad at me." I gasp

"OMG HARRY WHAT THE BALL DID YOU DO?!" I shouted he put his hand in surrender

"She told Marco her name and he told Richard, thats why he came here and when I found out she told Herself who she was I snapped out at her even at Heaven then she ran to the bathroom and Heaven Forgives me but Reaven doesn't Jasmine is talking to her right now," I sighed looked at him

"She won't be mind if I made her listen what you said." I said pulling out my phone his smile grew into a grin and he hugged me

"You recorded me." he said while hugging me it was getting long then Niall pulled him away

"You have yours she's mine haz," he chuckled and I kissed his cheek I think were going to have a nice ending knowing something is coming up.

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