Ch.15- The Plan

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Ethel's POV

I was in Reaven's house thinking what to do then I decided to make cupcakes cause I was hungry and bored for some reason.

I got to the kitchen and got the ingrdients out and I made the dough as I mixed I heard the door bell I got out the kitchen and left the mess I wiped my hands and opened the door and it was Harry?

"Hey Ethel." I got awkward

"Hi Harry what are you doing here?" he got in and I back away

"Just wanted to say hi to a nice friend of mine."

"Okay...well Im making cupcakes do you know wheres Reaven and all?" he nodded

"I do but can you leave the mess and follow me get dressed into something really Nice because we have a small party." I got confused

"Okay I will, but wheres the party though?" he smiled

"Thats why Im here Im gonna drop you." I got more scared and confused

"Um..okay..." I got up stairs and left Harry there at the living room I went to my room and decided to wear something girly in my choose.

I took a quick shower and decided to wear a floral skirt and a white shirt that says. "Kiss me Kiss me." I decided to do something with my hair I tied it up and I put my glasses on, After that I put on my Brown combat boots.

I may look girly but I hate heels I changed the pants thing but the shoes will never, but anyways I got down stairs and Harry smiled as he saw me

"This is so gonna work." I chuckled

"Whats gonna work?" he smiled

"Nothing just wear this for me, give me your glasses because it will hurt your eyes if you put the blind fold there." I smiled and handed him my glasses and I put on the blind fold

I was blind and the worst part is I think this isnt a party it might be for me a Surprise party for what?

Niall's POV

I was in the couch watching MTV till I heard the knock on the door I got up and looked who was there and it was Reaven and she looked dressed for something.

"Hi." she said I smiled and she came in

"Um..Can I help you?" she smiled and looked around the house

"Get dressed."  I got confused

"Theres a party?" she chuckled and nodded

"Wait, So theres a party?" I asked Reaven she smiled and nodded

"Okay I'm coming because I need to get my head staright." she hugged me

"Just go get dressed already, Im sure you'll be happy again." I let go of the hug and went to my room.

I took a quick shower and decided to wear a white shirt and my plade polo as a cover up and my black jeans and then I slipped on some white convers I fixed my hair in a quiff and smiled on how I looked like.

I got down stairs and Reaven was smiling innocently on what she was just doing I dont know why she suddenly just told me to get dressed and tell me I'm gonna be happy again when all my happiness is gone because Ethel will never love again on what I did.

"So Im ready to go." she nodded smiled

"Okay but before we leave you need to wear this." I saw her holding a blind fold

"Why?" I asked she chuckled nervously

"Because Louis said we are gonna surprise the guest." I got confused

"Then how come you dont have a blind fold?" she face palm me

"Just put it on."

"Okay.." she smiled and tied the piece of cloth around my eyes and we walked to the car.

As Reaven was driving I was getting scared on where the hell she was taking me because I know she loves Hary but she told me to put this blind fold on, is she taking me to a stripe club because this surprise wont be perfect.

When we stopped she held my hand and we got up the steps I got scared and she sat me down in the chair, What is she gonna do OMG are we in the Club Im not ready for this I wanna run but Im to scared on what the hell they will do to me.

"Okay if I say take off the blind fold take it off." I nodded I felt like someone was with me in the room besides Reaven.

"Okay Take of the blind fold!" she shouted like she was far away I did as she said I saw Ethel she looked beautiful in her glasses she was more shocked as me because we never seen each other ever since the Cheating Accident I walked towrds her and she looked away from me I felt her heart is beating fast because I know how she is when shes nervous.

"Ethel.." she looked at me and a tear went down I cant believe shes looking at me in the eyes because I miss thoes eyes staring at me and the way she looks I miss everything of her

"Niall.." she whsipered I held her hand and she looked at me and then at my hand like she missed me touching that hand of hers she looked at me and smiled

"Niall..I just..I-" I couldnt take was in me I crashed my lips in hers and it moved perfectly with mine as I kissed her I love her and I never knew being away from her was the worst thing in my life ever she let go and looked me

"Love you." I smiled and kissed her cheek

"I love you too my Princess." she smiled and I heard shouting and cheering and as I turned around I saw the boys Reaven and Heaven she smiled and hugged me she looked at Ethel and ran to her and she carried Heaven

"Yay! TITA YOUR HAPPY AGAIN!" she hugged her and Ethel smiled and looked at me

"Yeah..but I wonder who planned this?" she looked at Reaven she smiled big I think Ethel is happy or mad at her but I dont care if she is I have Ethel now and no one will have her and no one will.

Ethel's POV

Me and Niall got to the flat and Reaven and Harry and the boys went somewhere but Im alone with Niall and it feels weird because I couldnt take what I have been feeling in so long...I regret so much...even though he deserved it.

"So are you my girlfriend?" I chuckled

"What do you think?" he sighed

"Yes?" I chuckled and pressed my lips on his and let go

"Did that answer your question?" he smriked

"Yeah.." I smiled and he held me by the waist

"Im sorry for everything..I broke up with Chealse because she wanted you to break up with me and I regert so much on that day...I wasnt myself the whole tour...all I did was eat and wished you would be mine again..." I smiled

"Niall its cute that you did that but I broke it up I should be saying thoes words." he chuckled

"But too late I said the apalogie for you." I rolled my eyes and kissed his nose he smiled and we went up his room and watch a movie and cuddled through the afternoon and night...

Im glad Reaven did this for me I wonder if shes okay...

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