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When I got there, I immediately took a sit before panting slightly. I hate it when my mind thinks stuffs such as I'm already late when in reality I'm not. I played it cool so no one will notice.

"Hi Bri-oh are you alright love?" Louis asked me with his face full of concern. He takes a sit on his chair beside me.

I was wrong.

"I'm alright. Don't worry. My mind just playing tricks on me." I reassure him.

He nods. "Alright." He smiled.

During the afternoon, It just continue with us sketching. A first sketch on a first day. Ms. Vivien, the art teacher who's in her 40's told us to draw anything that we like or what are we feeling. Just anything.

I got nothing in mind right now and I'm feeling fine and alright. But there is something that captivates me every time.

I get my charcoal pen and start to draw base lines before proceeding into fully shading my artwork. I rub the paper gently to spots where there should be a shading and of course never forget the ambiance of shadows and lighting. Before I'm done, I made sure to fill in the details. I made a realism artwork, where I sketched Harry's eyes along with his jade colored orbs. He got such mesmerizing eyes, seems like I can stare at it for hours.

When I got done with my artwork, I made sure to handle it with care and not to mess it up with the bits of charcoal dust on my fingers.  I put it inside a transparent folder and handled it to Ms. Vivien and she told me it was lovely and I smiled.

Hours pass by, the art class is done and I head my way to my locker. I put some of my art stuffs inside except for my sketch journal and close it, making it secure. Since its Thursday today I don't have any class left. I walk my way home, its not that far from here. It's the day where I want to take a stroll.


When I got home I went upstairs to my bedroom, throwing my backpack to the side and change my clothes into a black shirt and velvet shorts. I then went downstairs to the kitchen and grab some bag of hot flaming cheetos and a glass of ice cold water.

I take a sit on my couch, open my laptop and have an american horror story marathon. Going back to season 1 (Murder House). For about three hours, I'm in the part where I see Tate with Violet inside her room, talking to each other when suddenly Ben opens the door and told Tate he never wants to see him around with his daughter ever again and he heads out. I remember feeling so sad for him on that part but then he's Tate Langdon.

When sleep decided to visit me, I paused the episode and close my laptop. I went back upstairs heading to the bathroom and wash my face. When I was about to grab my red towel the power went off and I hurriedly yank it from the closet. "What the fudge! That's weird." I murmured going to my bedroom. Good thing I have my night light on, but its not enough light to fill in the room. Considering I still must go back downstairs to check on the power supply. I open the drawer in my night stand and took out the rose shaped candle and some matches and light it up.

I slowly made my way back downstairs, and its so dim, the moonlight somewhat give off this blue mist from the large windows I have at the backyard. I open the small cell above the wall near the kitchen and see its not broken. I don't want to burn my house just in case lightning decides to pay this town a visit since its raining heavily outside, and its already 10 pm at night.

I open my emergency light and place it above this marble concrete on the left side of the staircase and blow the candle.

I go back to my bedroom and lay on the bed. Not caring about the fact that its so dim. I don't know what to do so I just lay there staring at the ceiling, tracing at the shadows of my hand. When at the door frame, there was a silhouette forming and I slowly move, my back feel the bed post and I got off the bed. Heading inside my closet and slowly close it.

I grab my phone and message Harry right away.

There's someone in my house tonight! And the power went off , its raining heavily. I'm pretty sure I saw something by the door
frame! What the hell should I do!?

I'm on my way! Just stay where you are right now.

I didn't bother to reply.

I'm not in panic but I already know what's that thing. An entity for sure, I've been dealing with this type of stuffs ever since I was a child and its not fun at all. They can all decide to visit me and bam they'll be lurking around to my place.

I heard the front door open and heavy footsteps followed going here upstairs to my bedroom. I then heard a slashing sound and a loud thump fell on the floor. I slowly peek in the closet and the entity was laying on the floor with blood on its throat.

I back up. "Who the hell?" I started to breathe deeply.

Suddenly the closet was wide open and Louis was there standing infront me with holding a sharp demon killing blade with traces of blood on it. I was shock.

"Are you alright?- Did this bastard hurt you?" He asks me while catching his breathe.

"No- But where did you get that?" I point to the blade.

"I'll explain but right now its not safe for you to be here." I didn't know what to say so I just nod my head still trying to process what just happened.

We then both heard someone running from the staircase and a mop curls appear into view. Harry's back.

"Bri? You alright-Oh." He stares at Louis.
"I guess I'm late yeah." The power came back out of a sudden. And all three of us still standing there.

"Wait what. Louis? Why are you here? " Harry furrow his eyebrows.

"Just saved your girlfriend here from an entity. Obviously." Rolling his eyes as he pointed at the dead entity laying on my bedroom floor.

"I see. Thanks then." I can feel the tension between this two.

"You guys know each other what the hell?"
They both look at me.

"Yeah" Louis says.

"Kind of" Harry says.

Both says still staring deadly at one another.

"Alright so we just gonna stand here? There's a dead entity on the floor. Why don't we go burn it up before another will appear."

"About that yeah we should." Harry said.

"Also I'm not his girlfriend." I added.

"Oh if thats the case then." Louis smirk evily at Harry and he's annoyed by it.

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