"Pete." I looked over at Mae. She was smiling with shiny eyes. Ae was awake.

"Ok. I'm ok." I said uselessly then realized my blunder. "I mean are you ok?"

"Silly darling. Just go. He's waiting to see you. He was really worried about you."

"Ok. Ok. I'll see you." I look at Manx who is actually smiling at me.

"It's funny how you break apart now that Ae is ok. Don't keep him waiting any longer. Go on."

I get up like a doll and woodenly walk to his room. Mae is smiling at me the entire time. I walk through the door and the moment I see him looking all groggy, I burst into tears.

"You two are the same. Silly darlings. Ae was just like this when you were in your accident." Mae says as she leads me over to the bed. Oh is shaking his head and Ae is just staring at me. 

"He's very groggy and he's fighting sleep. Your bag is over there. Oh and I will go chat with the others. I think everyone can head home for the night." I nod, then just sit and cry some more. 

"Pete?" His voice is a soft rumble and stops the tears right away.

"Ae. Did you need something?" I move over to the bed, grab a tissue and wipe my face quickly.

"For you to stop crying and hold my hand already. Were you hurt?"

"No. I wasn't hurt. Nothing happened to me." 

"Good," he says and closes his eyes. I know the moment he falls back asleep and find myself crying some more. I let myself do it because it's more of a release than anything else. I need to get it out of the way because from tomorrow I will have a challenge. A sick Ae in any way, shape, or form is the absolute worst thing that anyone has to deal with. Mae is secretly glad that I'm staying. I know it.

An hour later, Ling comes in and I'm startled. Cassie walks in behind him and stations herself in a corner. I knew she was outside and I assumed she was giving me some privacy.

"So I nave some updates. I figure I'll tell you them in person. Simmie actually spotted Jell. He was at the gate scoping out the place and when she called out to him, he told her he was lost and started asking for directions. He knew who he was asking for because she gave them to him and didn't think about it further. After he left, Pennie did her business and they went back in. She says she was called away and the incident happened before she could clean up. You both are very lucky but I understand this guy seems to have some guardian angels watching over him. The incident with the truck and some of the others, we'll be investigating them much more deeply to see what we can come up with. I understand that Ae was just a witness in that one but the truck driver did hit a vehicle similar to his and the victim had been a male in his age range and of a similar look. The possibility isn't far fetched that he was the intended target and some confusion happened."

"I understand." I nod and look at him because he seems to have something more to say.

"We cannot discount the fact that you are still in play here Pete. I do believe that someone is after you and I feel that the deeper we delve into this mess, the more clearly we will see the connection. I hope that you continue to take care of yourself and keep a very firm eye out for anyone who could be trying to get close to you."

"I will. I mean I wasn't attacked by accident. I know that. I just."

"You feel like this all doesn't make sense. Neither do I at the moment but we will find the connection and when we do, everything will become clear. Hang in there ok."

I nod and watch his go. I look over at Cassie who is sitting quietly.

"Why do you feel guilty?" I suddenly ask her because I just know she is. "You didn't do anything wrong. You were walking towards us even. He just got his shot off before you could get there. Besides, how effective would you be if you were dead?"

The Man I Became... Because of You (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now