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this isn't' edited

Samantha's P.O.V

I woke up sore in my lower area today. I picked my phone up it says 11:53 I looked again to see if I have any messages. I got one from my cousin saying shes out of town again and another one from Shawn

Shawn: Hey comin over in 25

Oh shit, he sent the 20 minutes ago. I shot up in my bed putting on gray sweatpants with black long sleeves top. I brush through my tangled hair then stuck it up in a messy bun. By the time I was done I heard the doorbell ring. How am I gonna tell him about my cutting? I know he knows but what do I even say do I bring it up, or will he? 

I go and open the door. Awww he looks like a cutie leaned up against the wall with his signature smile. "Hey," he says breathlessly. "Hey you ok," I asked. "Yea I am but those stairs I need to walk up to get here are a pain," he says as I laugh at his childish act when he said that. 

"Come in" I open the door wider to let him in. "Thanks" As soon as I closed the door he pushed me up against it and kissed me hard.  After a few minutes of the hot makeout session, we both pulled away for air. "thanks" I say hiding my blush.  he just laughs.

"I can over to talk. You might think I forgot but I didn't." I sigh knowing what he is talking about. "Yea I was hoping we wouldn't have this conversation but since we fucked and you saw I guess it has to happen," I say with my eyes a little more watery. He comes over to me and gives me a hug. I put my head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat. I hear him sniffle and I look up at him as he looks down. 

"Im so sorry Samantha. I hurt you so bad that you started hurting yourself" He has tears coming down. "It's ok." I croaked out. "No, it's not. I never wanted to hurt you but I did and I lost you. You mean everything to me. You made me smile and laugh more than anyone can. I messed up and lost you. and when I saw come into my studio I was so excited to see you but released I hurt you. I want to tell you I was so sorry, you always seem so happy. Did you have depression problems and anxiety problems when you were with me?" 

I nod not trusting my voice and just listening to him. "Gosh Im so sorry and I just put you in a worse place after that. I never liked your friends not gonna lie she's kinda a bitch." he had tears running down his face. "I can't believe I hurt you more than I thought." he cried more. "Im sorry too," I say looking into his teary eyes. "You have nothing to be sorry for. It was all my fault. I felt so bad and I didn't want to do anything. My mom told me that I had to do something and I wanted to do music so if I got big I can tell the world that you are my world and I was so sorry that I mess up our relationship." But I am sorry because I should've told you about my depression we've been together for 2 years. and I never said anything because I thought you wouldn't want me anymore so when it happened I just wanted to die. only my cousin was there for me." I cried harder into his chest and he held me tighter. 

"You have nothing to be sorry for,  I should've known." he cries. "But you didn't" I reply. We only stood there hugging and crying. He took his index figure and placing it under my chin making me look up to him. He places his lips gently on mine. The kiss was perfect. "I know I can never take back on what I did but you mean so much, I can never be more than friends with you. Can we at least try again, please? I don't ever want to lose you again Please be my girlfriend." 

"Yes," I barely croaked out. I smiled and kissed him again. "I don't want to lose you, you mean everything to me too. I love you" I say. He looks at me and smiles "I love you too." For the rest of the night, we stopped crying and started cuddling and kissing. I am so glad we got back together.


they are back together Im so happy. I think there are only a few more chapters left. :( Go follow my favorite in the world 

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