Family Dinners

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this isn't edited

Samantha's P.O.V

Today is the today of the family dinner. Yay. I might as well gonna kill myself. My mom is very judgmental. Sadly my cousin won't there because she had a stupid work meeting out of the country. Lucky ass she got to go to Italy. What am I oh ya I'm working for my stepdad and for my ex-boyfriend who is like my friend now.

I park my car next to my mom's house. I look around and see a familiar car. Wait why is he here its at family dinner.

I got in the house wondering where everyone is. I see people in the back yard. 

"Oh Samantha, Your finally here." my mom says happily. Which is weird I aspect her to make fun of what I'm wearing. Though I am wearing a sweatshirt and jeans cause ya know scares.

"Ya, I just got here."

" Well, I heard you and Shawn are working together. He's cute." my mom says. well ya, maybe that's why we dated. I never told her that we dated.

"Maybe he can help you get over your break up with that guy you never told me about," she says well Shawn is standing right there.  I looked at Shawn then back at my mom.

"Ya haha sure," I say nervously while looking at my feet. " I thinking I'm going to get some food."

I stopped when I went to go get food because I heard footsteps behind me. I turn around to see Shawn.

"Why are you following me?"  I asked.

"So you didn't tell your mom we use to date you?" I kept walking towards the food while nodding.

"Why?" he asked.

"She didn't need to know." 

"Samantha, we dated for almost 2 years and you never told your mother," he says sounding hurt.

"Yeah, so what's your point," I say plainly.

"Why didn't you want me to meet your parents."

"My mom can be a little judgmental sometimes."

" Whatever," he says while walking away as I grab a plate of food. 

I sat in a chair eating food they had out. Having a family dinner where everyone judges you and is disappointed in you isn't fun. The worse part is that your family invited your ex. Though I guess we are kinda friend. I was about to leave when my bitch cousin Patricia stopped me to talk. 

"Hey, bitch. How ya doing.?" she asked trying to sound British for like no reason like wtf.

"I'm good I guess. What do you need?" I ask slightly rude.

"I was just letting you know that you are a worthless piece of shit. that's why no one wants you here."

"If I wasn't wanted here than why did I get invited to this thing?"

" Duh because they felt bad for you. I mean who wouldn't look at you.  Always so annoying, ugly, fat, slutty, dumb. Isn't that why you didn't get into college and why your ex-boyfriend cheated on you?" she says with a smirk.

I felt tears brewing in my eyes of the memories.  I look around and find Shawn listening. I ran out of the house without saying goodbye to anyone. I got in my car and drove home crying. Once I got home.

Warning self-harm below.

I went straight towards the bathroom. I grabbed my blade. I started cutting over the one I cut before. I then went to my thighs and started cutting all the insults she said to me. Slicing up and downside to side. Cuts that spell words like fat and ugly. Feeling the ice-cold blade on my skin and the warm red blood down y arms and legs. Knowing I am weak and worthless. 

I cleaned myself up looking at the new cuts I formed. I climbed onto my comfortable bed and have darkness take over me.

 A/N: here's another chapter I kinda hate it. hope your day is great :) 

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