Chapter 10

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Warning Self-harm.

Samantha's P.O.V

   I've been avoiding Shawn I probably shouldn't but I promised myself not to get attached. Like ugh, why the kiss have to feel so magical. Why'd he have to become a singer? I was on my phone walking through the hallway towards my stepdad's office to tell him I'm going home when I bumped into a wall. Well, I think its a wall.

"Ow." is all I say while I looking up.

"Hey, maybe you shouldn't be on your phone and actually pay attention to where you're going,"  he says with a smirk. While looking down at me because I'm short.

"Well, maybe you should move since you were paying attention." I snapped back. To be honest idk why I'm being so snappy. I just can't get attached to him and i feel like being cold is the only way. Right? Ugh now I don't know should I ignore him and be cold or should I say something about my feelings? 

"Right." He says while looking at his feet. "Why does it feel like your ignoring me?" "I know we kissed and I shouldn't have kissed you, I'm, really sorry. I still like you a lot," he says nervously.

"I am. I don't know what I feel. One moment I like you the next moment I hate what you did to me and I never want to speak to you." I say the last part quietly as he lifts my chin up to meet his eyes with mine.

"I know but I promise you she force me on her. I didn't want to You meant so much and you still do."

"Shawn just give me time please?" 

" As much as you need. I'll be here." he looks at me softly as feel tears boiling up in my eyes.

He left without saying anything. I walk over to Jerry's office and gave a quick knock and telling him I was done and going home. As I got home tears were down my face and my eyes were swollen. My cousin was there and asked what was wrong? I didn't give her an answer but went straight to my bathroom. I found my razor. I haven't done it in a while but it helped me through my emotions last time. I take the razor and I felt the nice cold metal on my skin. I sliced up and downwards and I felt my blood rushing down my arms. I gave a few more slices on my wrists and arms. I stopped and looked at my bloody arms. As I got my towel to clean up the blood I heard a knock on my bathroom door. 

"Samantha please talk to me. I don't know what's going on and I can't help you if I don't know what's wrong," she says in a concerned voice. I picked up the towel and covered it over my bleeding wrist and I wince a little too loudly.

"Samantha seriously. If you don't open the door ill go get a key. Please don't be cutting." 

She kept pleading then all the sudden went away.I didn't answer her but I just lay there with the towel covering up my scars. I heard the door nob turning and there stood my cousin with tears in her eyes she ran over to me and got an extra towel.

"Why did you do this?" She asked sadly. I just look at her and don't say anything.

"If you're not gonna tell me at least let me help you clean up and get you to bed." I just nod.

It was 11:30 when I got into my nice silk sheets. It was only minutes before I fell into a deep slumber.


HEYYYYYYYY. Hope you guys like this chapter. High school is hell and it's only been like a week and a half. I HATE EVERYONE. jk more like 75% but whatever. I don't know when I'm gonna update next hopefully soon. ALSO, NEW 5SOS SONG COMES OUT TOMORROW IM SUPER EXCITED 10 AM TEETH. AAHHHHHHHH IM SO EXCITED. Ok, have a nice week hope to post soon maybe Saturday?? GOOD NIGHT SLEEP TIGHT LUV YA TO EVERYONE WHO READS.

A Second Chance ( A Shawn Mendes Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz