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(A/N: uggghhh why is Shawn so hottt. I think we should have a moment in silent to thank his parents for making him beautiful. )--this is edited

      Samantha's P.O.V

Fucking finally. I've been waiting for Friday to come along and it's here. I need to be alone being around my ex I just want to sit eat ice cream and binge Stranger Things. I sat on the left corner on the couch, the same place where I've sat during the week. The week kinda been easy. Shawn asked me a few questions, getting him Starbucks. He likes to change his order. It super confusing sometimes because he says it so fast but whatever. Also getting him food. I don't even know how he still has abs but not gonna lie, his abs are still to die for. Ew, why am I thinking about this? Do I still have feelings for him? Like yeah, I miss him, his touch,  his kisses when I wake up, when I feel his breath on my neck, the way he makes me laugh. Oh, fuck I need help. I can't still love my ex. He cheated on me and he knows how I feel about cheating. The thing that hurts the most is that he cheated on me with my best friend. I wonder how she is. I haven't talked to her. Even though she almost fucked my ex, she still is one of my best friends I've had in a while. Although Shawn cheated on me with her, there nothing he can do to make-----

"SAMANTHA!!!" I was drawn from my thoughts and back to reality. I hate reality. I looked up at Shawn giving him the, what do you want face.

"Samantha, I've been calling your name for a while, are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I was just thinking,"

"About?" he asked. 

"It's nothing. Did you need something?" I asked rudely. 

" Actually yes. I was wondering if I could come with you to Starbucks. I wanted to try something and I need to get out of the studio." 

"Yeah sure. Make sure you ask your manager, I don't want to lose this job. I need it." I say and he nods. I watch him pull out his phone. A few minutes later it rings.

"Hey, I can go. Can we leave now." 

" Yeah sure let's go." Shawn insisted on driving us there. The drive to Starbucks was nothing but silence. We went to the drive-through because we didn't want fans crushing us.

"Hey, Sam, do you want anything?" he asked politely

"One, don't call me that and two no thanks." I snapped at him. 

"Okay then" he ordered his drink and a cake pop.

"So Samantha," making sure he emphasized the Sam in there. "Do you have a boyfriend?" 

"No," I say plainly. "Are you still whoring around with my ex-BFF?" 

"Nope." popping the 'p'. 

"Oh, was it gonna be a one night stand and never tell me,"   I said, giving him sass. 

"Samantha!" he snapped. 

"What! You know how I feel about cheating and the fact that you did it with my best friend hurt even more," I yelled at him.

"It wasn't what you think. I would never hurt you" 

"But you did." 

"I know and I'm sorry, but can we at least try to be friends?" 

"I loved you. It took a lot for me to trust you. You lost all my trust. So I don't know if I want to be friends." I replied. 

"I understand," he said in a low sad voice. 

"Can we at least try it get along? I know I fucked up Samantha but let's try to be nice to each other and not have you kill me." 

"Yeah sure, we can be nice," I said. 

Shawn got his drink and he wanted food as well so we went to a small pizza shop. I didn't want anything even though I was hungry. 

We were back at the studio in no time. Shawn worked on a couple more songs before he had to go. I got home by 8:30 that night. I plopped onto my bed with ice cream and cookies in my hand. Thank the lord someone made these or else I would be dead. As soon as I was done eating, my head hit the pillow and I was out like a light.

A/N: This chapter sucks booty-cheeks but all the chapters I write suck so whatever. 

~riding styles

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