"That will be eight doll-" the delivery guy stopped in his words as he checked me out. 

Are you fucking serious? Aubrey, what is wrong with you? I should've just brought the towel. 

"Xavier! Money!" I screamed before taking the boxes from the guy and placing them on the counter, I was generous enough to order Xavier some as well. 

He came down, uttering some curses and groaning under his breath but stopping dead in his tracks when he saw what I was wearing. 

Well, it's not my fault I thought he'd be mature enough to answer his door when the doorbell rings. 

"Can you put some damn clothes on?" he spoke, obviously directed at me, it would be weird if it was directed to the delivery guy. 

"I was swimming. I wouldn't have to if you would've just answered your door." I rolled my eyes before grabbing a slice for myself and heading back into the backyard, sashaying a little more than usual. It was fun. As I finished my slice and got into the pool, I heard footsteps coming my way, more like stomping. 

"What the hell were you thinking? Answering the door looking like that?" he was fuming. I'm enjoying his reactions way too much today. 

"How was I supposed to know he was a perv that couldn't keep his eyes to himself? I was just going for dinner." I gave him a pointed look. 

"You were just going for dinner half-naked like that? Why are you fucking with me today?" he groaned. 

"I'm not fucking with you." I bit back a laugh. "You should've just answered it." I shrugged. 

"Oh okay, because I was supposed to know you were swimming looking like that!" he spoke sarcastically while gesturing to me. 

"Looking like what? What is your deal?" I laughed while sitting on the edge, my legs dipped in. 

"Aubrey," he spoke slowly as if I were a child, "You are literally half fucking naked. Fifty percent of your body, is out for a show." he emphasized the words 'fifty percent'. 

"Really? Fifty percent, are you sure? It might be sixty," I taunted him further. I got back into the pool, swimming on the opposite side. 

"Great, it's backless too, definitely more than fifty," he groaned into his hands. I bit my lip to keep my laughter contained before turning to face him. Since he seems to be so against my attire I guess no more kisses for him even though that kind of sucks for me but it's amusing to watch him try and I stop him this time. "Aubrey, get out of the pool. I'll leave you another towel for a shower in the bathroom." He began to leave but who was he to tell me what to do? That's right, no one. 

"No, I'm not getting out," I reasoned. 

He groaned before turning back to face me. 

"I'm having fun and since we're not gonna keep each other company, the water here will. I'm not getting out I just got in," I argued before continuing to swim around aimlessly. 

"Aubrey, it's eight o'clock get out of the pool," he demanded. 

"Make me." I smiled. I probably shouldn't have done that because knowing him, he would've made me. 

He sighed before throwing his shirt off, followed by his jeans. "Fine." He shrugged before jumping in and swimming straight over to me. 

I was quick to push myself off the floor and out of the pool, walking over to the other side. 

When he reached the surface, confusion made its way to his face for a split second before my laughter caused him to turn around. "You wanna play that way? Fine." He got out too and began walking over to my side while I walked the opposite and soon enough he was standing where I was and I was standing where he was. 

He began running and so did I, circling the pool while I tried to get away from him. Until he slipped. 

"Oh my god, are you okay?" I began walking to him but I saw a ghost of a smile on his lips. "Oh hell no, try again Parker." I walked over to the opposite that he was at. 

He didn't move though. He didn't get up and come after me. Was he really hurt? Was I hallucinating that smile? "What are you talking about? Ow- my back!" He reached behind his shoulder while wincing. 

"Okay, you know what, if this is a trick, I didn't fall for it, I'm coming over there cause I care," I groaned before grabbing the towel and walking over to him, careful not to fall myself. I walked over and kneeled beside him. "Are you okay?" I asked while carefully placing the towel around him. 

"Nothing a back massage can't fix. Will you give me one?" he grinned up at me. 

I rolled my eyes before standing up and reaching my hand out. "Sure, why not?"






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