💔Broken heart💔

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Yeosang's pov
"Did the car just hit Seonghwa?!" I asked.

Everyone was quietly.

"SAY SOMETHING!!!" I screamed.

After yelling, I just fell down on the road and started crying.

I glanced back and saw San crying against Wooyoung's shoulder.

Yunho cried, Hongjoong cried, Wooyoung cried, Mingi cried, but Jongho...... Jongho just stared at Seonghwa in fright.

Yunho taked he's phone.
"I'll call hospital."

"Hospital. How can I help you?"

"Me and my friends were going to my friends house until a car hit one of my friends."

"Where are you?"

"I'm next to ******* school."

"Okay, ambulance will be there."

"Okay, thank you so much."

"No problem."

"Ambulance is coming." Yunho inform.

Jongho's pov
This is all my fault.
If I had only taken Seonghwa and Yeosang to Jungkook's House, no one would have been left under the car.

Yeosang's pov
I heard an ambulance siren ringing. Ambulance was coming.
When the ambulance came I asked if I could go with Seonghwa, because I didn't want to leave him alone.

"Can I come with him to the hospital?"

"Yes you can. Does your friends want to come?" The ambulance man asked.

I looked at the others.

"We're going to San's home. Come there as soon as you're done." Yunho said.

"Can I come?" Jongho asked.

I nodded.

When we were in the hospital, Jongho started asking me questions.

"Did you see who was the driver of the car?" He asked.

"No? How do you think I see who drives a car that is driving over speed?"

"I don't know, but I know who was the driver."


"You remember that San's nasty boyfriend who was harassing you and Seonghwa?"


"It was him."

"How you know it?"

"When I got the call in the library .... it was Jungkook who called."

"So..... what did he say?"

"He said I had to take you and Seonghwa to his house or he was going to do something bad."

"Seonghwa is fine, but he must rest now so come again tomorrow." The nurse said.

"Okay, thank you." I said and then leaved with Jongho.

We went to San's house and it was raining outside.

San's pov
I heard knocking at the door.
I went to open the door.
When I opened the door I saw wet Yeosang and Jongho.

Yeosang's pov
"How is he?" Yunho asked.

"The nurse said he's fine, but he need to rest now and we can go again tomorrow." I said.

"We're going to keep sleepover party. Will you guys stay too?" San asked.

I looked at Jongho and he nodded.

"Yes, we are going to stay."

"Great! Can we play spin the bottle?" Wooyoung asked.

"Okay." San said.

"Let's go for the rock paper scissors and the loser will start. He spins the bottle and to the person it hits they have to kiss together." Woo said.

"Okay?" Yunho said.

"I'll go to the guest room and you guys can play." I said and went to the guest room.

"Okay?? Let's play without him." San said with sad voice.

"Rock...paper...scissors!" Everyone else screamed.

San's pov
"I always lost at rock paper scissors!!" Mingi screamed.

"Now you have to spin the bottle." Woo said.

Mingi spin the bottle.
The bottle pointed at Yunho.

"Now.... kiss." I said.

Mingi and Yunho kissed. It looked cute, because they both got embarrassed.

"Owww.... cute." Woo said.

(I can feel Yeosang's pain😭)

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