She looked as pale as she could and she got even thinner, they had given her 2 glassen of water in total and she drank them slowly making sure that there was still left for the day after. She didn't have a phone, tv or anything she she just looked at the ceiling.

She was thinking about what she would do if she ran away, she looks at a watch she had and saw it was almost midnight. She then quickly looked if there was a way to see what day it was and there was, she saw that she had already been there a week and she sighs. Her eyes slowly close and she falls asleep.

The door gets unlocked and two pieces of bred get thrown into the little room and then the door closes again, Korra hears the locks being locked again and sighs.

She closes her eyes not letting the tears fall as she eats a little.

Another few weeks pass and every week she gets one piece of bread and two glasses of water, her bucket has been emptied every week.

She had heard her guardians gasp a week or more ago when they got mail, they threw it away and acted like nothing happened.

She knows that something was wrong with what they got cause they had stopped looking at their mail.

She looked at the watch and it was one minute before midnight, she had drawn an birthday cake in the sand under her bed.

The moment on the watch it hits midnight she blows out the sand candles "Happy birthday Korra" she whispers to herself.

The front door falls down and this made Korra jump, hitting her head on her bed and then hitting the ground.

Her head was bleeding a little when she heard the locks being unlocked, someone opened the door and gasps a little when the person sees her. They pick her up and take her to the living room, they lay her on the couch.

Korra starts waking up when she feels someone press something against the little wound on her head, she looks at the person and he smiles "Hey Korra last time I saw you you were just a baby"

Korra backs away a little "I- should I know you?" The man shakes his head "Sorry my name is Hagrid I brought you jere when you were a baby and now I'm here to take you to hogwarts of course you know all about the new school" This made Korra shake her head "Didn't you read the cards they send?" She shakes her head and opens her mouth to say something when her guardian walks down with a shotgun pointed at the man "What are you doing in my house?!"

I'm fine totally fine Korra thought, she sighs and rubs her head while Hagrid helps her sit up. He takes out a box and lays it on the table "Happy Birthday Korra" He opens it a little and smiles when he sees her face light up "Thank you!" She gives him a hug and blushes before letting go "Sorry.." She mumbles and Hagrid just smiles.

The man was still pointing the shotgun at Hagrid and Korra, when his wife and his son stand next to him and gasp. Hagrid hands Korra a letter "You can't read that Korra!" Her guardian hisses and Hagrid stands up and walks closer, the moment he wanted to shoot the gun but Hagrid metal bended the weapon.

Korra read the letter while her nephew was eating the birthday cake Hagrid had got for her, she looked at Hagrid "So you are saying I am a bender?" He nods "A really good one just like your parents" "My parents left me here" Hagrid looks at her "No they didn't they died trying to protect you" He huffs and walks towards the door "Are you coming or staying here with these people?" He asks and she quickly follows him, he puts the door back.

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