“Miranda do you know Sally Klein?”

“Yes. She used to be Jim's personal assistant.”

“It is not looking too good that she also said you were a part of this fraud.”

“I don’t know how to prove that I am innocent. I loved my job, I worked really hard to get where I was. If this was true, then wouldn’t I be lazy and just watch the money roll in? Check my records, I received commission from my clients at the negotiated rate. I never received any more. Can you please tell me who this supposed witness is and what they are claiming?” Miranda pleaded.

“Miranda, we will look into your work records and if what you are saying is true, you are off the hook. What I can tell you is, the witness is one of the Board of Directors from Entice Consultancy. This person is also getting investigated unknowingly.” The Sergeant turned off the tape. “Off the record I believe you are telling the truth. I think this man is just using you as a pawn to close the investigation as he will receive all the stolen money. For clarification the stolen money has not been found.”

“How long will this all take?”

“We don’t know. It depends on how soon we can get your work records to prove your innocence.”

After the interrogation, Miranda was temporarily set free. What a tremendous welcome home gift, to be hustled by police. It was late and by the time Miranda and Grant arrived home, they were exhausted. The worst part was Miranda could not sleep. She tortured herself by letting her mind go over and over everything that was said.

Grant woke up and sleepily came over to the lounge room, where Miranda was sitting upright, her body still, her eyes fixated to the wall. “Babe, what time is it?” he asked, startling her.

“Sorry love, did I wake you?”

“How could you? You were sitting as still as a mannequin. Would you like some tea?” he offered.

“Love some.” He was an angel. “What are you doing up?”

“I can’t sleep either. I just feel so helpless.”

“Honey you are a huge support.” Grant sat down next to Miranda and they sipped their cups of tea in silence.

Miranda awoke to the sun’s bright light shining in her eyes. They had fallen asleep, cuddled together on the lounge. Grant was still holding onto his mug. Miranda took away his mug and helped him be more comfortable as he nodded back to sleep. Then she set off outside for a morning stroll. It was still the same neighbourhood that she had lived in, but walking through the familiar streets felt different. Mirada was an outsider looking in; she felt she no longer belonged. She knew her home was wherever Grant was and his heart was in France.

As Miranda walked along, she saw a familiar face but could not put a name to him. This was unusual for Miranda as she was generally good with remembering people’s names.

“Hi Miranda.”

“Hey Mike.” Thankfully his voice was a dead giveaway. He was Louise’s ex-husband. “How are you today?”

“I guess you know Louise re-married,” he said indifferent. “I have met a new lady too. I hope you will meet her one day.”

“That would be lovely,” Miranda said sincerely. As Mike waved farewell, Miranda remembered how much she liked Mike. He was kind and young at heart. She was glad he had found someone else to share his life with.

Miranda found her favourite bakery was opened. Every morning before work, she used to drop in and order some breakfast on the run. That part of her life seemed so long ago, it no longer felt real. She felt sad at the thought that she was unhappy and made her career her life, when life had so much more to offer. The owner presented himself, “Michelle.” He could never remember her name. Miranda didn’t mind a different identity today. “You are looking good; I haven’t seen you in a long time.”

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