Chapter Eleven

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In the midst of all the drama, Sally milked everything she could get out of from the media attention. She had accepted an interview with Queensland’s most elaborate TV station. She informed the nation that she was a victim in the company’s allegations and was not to blame. As the cameras rolled, Sally answered questions about Jim and was pointedly asked if she ever believed Jim could have committed suicide? “Of course not,” Sally answered. “But this does not change what happened. Jim had fooled us all.”

“What about Miranda, do you feel she had any involvement?” the reporter asked.

Sally was glad Miranda had been brought up in the discussion. “Of course, Miranda was the highest paid consultant in the firm. She was very close to Jim. Miranda was the one who discovered the files were missing.”

The reporter became interested, “On your last day, what do you remember?”

“I arrived to the office to find it in a bad state. Jim was making numerous phone calls during the morning. Then Jim and Miranda both disappeared for a few hours. Miranda eventually came back very distraught and packed her personal items. To be honest I thought she had been fired. She soon left.”

“Where did she go?” the reporter asked.

“I’m not sure, home perhaps,” Sally shrugged. 

“Was that the last time you saw Jim?” 

“That is correct,” Sally said as a tear fell from her eye. 

“One last question Sally, the public were told, all the staff knew of this criminal activity. Is that true?”

“I am positive all the staff knew about this, except for me. I was only Jim’s personal assistant. I was never deemed important enough to be told anything of such a high and confidential matter,” she declared. 

After the interview was over, Sally walked back home feeling victorious. She won this round. Going to the media with her story was a top decision.  With her innocent expression and voice, she was sure everyone who watched the interview would feel sorry for the personal assistant.

The story was everywhere the next day. The media verdict for Miranda Burke was pointed towards guilty. An online poll was created to vote for Miranda’s innocence. In the article the reporter suggested that Miranda knew what was taking place; otherwise why would she act so distraught on her last day? The reporter posed the question, why did Miranda leave work early on that day? Of which he then speculated, perhaps she was going to join Jim and jump off the bridge too.


Grant had been supportive over the last few days. He stayed with Miranda when he discovered the news. He still went to work during the day but in the evenings Miranda felt truly at ease. Grant would cook Miranda the most delicious meal and they talked, watched a movie or just cuddled together on the lounge. Miranda’s sadness for the loss of Jim’s life still lingered and she was confronted every day with the reality that Entice Consultancy was over, along with her career.

One morning Miranda was shopping at her local grocery store to purchase necessities. As she waited in line at the checkout, Miranda’s eyes glanced over at the paper. On impulse, Miranda grabbed the paper and added it to her items for purchase. As Miranda steps outside, she reads the headline Miranda Burke, Executive Consultant for Entice Consultancy has still not been proved of her innocence. Feeling outraged Miranda flicks to page three to read the full story. Miranda’s cheeks burn in fury as she skims the article at first glance and then re-reading it slowly over and over. It seemed Sally had spoken with the media. The truth or not, these were just assumptions.

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