"I could very well ask you the same thing, human," I growl.

"Woah woah! Everyone chill, Connie it's alright. Spinel is not here to hurt anyone, and Spinel, this is my friend Connie. You probably met her briefly," Steven says. I narrow my eyes at her, nodding while looking at her skeptically.

"Yes, I do recall her, Steven. Are you sure she's safe though?" I question, worried that she may harm him if I'm not here.

"Spinel, Connie is my best friend. I trust her, so that should be good enough for you," He replies carefully. I bite my lip and nod, reaching out a stretchy hand for the human to shake.

"Ehh, no hard feelings?" I say with uncertainty. Connie, as she's referred to, firmly grasps my hand and shakes it, a smile forming on her previously frowning face.

"Of course," She responds "So, have you gotten breakfast yet, Steven?".

"Not quite yet. Spinel was just trying to find the pancake mix" Steven admits.

"Oh, well, I'll make you breakfast!" Connie exclaims, angering me because that's what I wanted to do. I cling to Steven's side, using that as a sort of calming agent while he grins.

"Really?! Wow, thanks, Connie!" The hybrid says ecstatically. He then half-hazardly carries me over to the seat I originally placed him in and sets me down instead. I feel his warmth on the seat, which may sound a tad creepy, but since he's sitting down next to me, I'm not gonna choose to focus on it.

"Please, it's nothing, Jam Bud" The human female waves off, coming behind the counter and fetching what Steven was referring to as the 'pancake mix' from the wooden door twelve inches east of the large gray rectangle. Connie then sets the box she pulled out on the counter and then delves into other drawers below, bringing out some kind of spray bottle, a pan I'm guessing, a glass bowl, a liquid measuring cup, and something called olive oil. Once all those are laid out, she opens the fridge, through one of its apparent two hinged doors, and takes out a carton of eggs, as Steven exclaims over excitedly. Connie and I both smile at his childish attitude and then she starts busting into the various boxes and containers, measuring some out while pouring all of the others into the bowl.

"So, has Spinel been taking good enough care of you?" Connie asks, while measuring out some water in the liquid measuring cup. I feel taken aback by this question. Who does this human think she is, coming in here and questioning if I, the one who would not stop until I'm shattered, was tending to Steven properly!?

"Yeah, the gems are out so her company is welcome," Steven smiles at me, which I can't help but smile back. Thanks for standing up for me.

"That's good, well I'm here now so after breakfast you want to hang out?" She asks, setting a pan on this other device which causes heat from the bottom.

Steven looks down a bit, "Not much to do when you have only one arm.."

I frown, wrapping an arm around him. What can I say that'll help cheer him up? I'm not an expert on human recreational activities, that much I'll admit, but I played many games with...Pink...to know my way around what defines the word fun. But, since Connie suggested this first, I'll let her have the first crack at what Steven, her and I can do. And yes, I'm including myself in this too. It may seem obsessive, but I need to look over him at all times and besides, this can be a learning opportunity for me. If I get more knowledge on what he considers fun, I'll be a better gem to play games with him.

"Steven," Connie turns around with a frown. "I didn't mean it like that, we could watch a movie! How about that?"

"Nothing good out there to watch.." He says in a low voice. Steven stands up, "On second thought, I'm not really hungry," He walks upstairs to his room, leaving me and Connie there.

I let out a sigh. He's miserable because of me... I did this to him, I can't do anything right. Maybe that's why Pink left me, she was sick of me like everyone else is. Tears surface and I cover my eyes.

"Hey Spinel," I hear her walk around placing a hand on my shoulder. "It's okay, he's just going through a lot. He just needs time."

"I-I feel like it's my fault... If I wouldn't of been so careless, he probably would still have his arm.." I sniffle. Connie then walks around so that's in front of me and surprisingly, places her other hand on my other shoulder, holding both while looking me dead in the eyes.

"I know I can't relate to what you went through during your isolation on the Garden. I know that I can't relate to what you were feeling after leaving and coming here. But, what I do know, is that actions done in the heat of anger are actions that you don't really mean. I speak from personal experience on that regard, cause I did something I regret now that I put Steven through after he left to settle things out with the Diamonds. I ignored him and left him alone, not wanting to be mean but only until later did I realise that was a mistake. In that case, we made up and moved forward, so I have confidence that you'll be able to accomplish the same. Steven doesn't blame you though, so this whole barrier of self-blame will have to be something you'll have to push through yourself. Above all else, if anything, do it for him. Just like I wanted to," Connie explains.

I'm left completely speechless uncovering my eyes to look at her. "T-thank you Connie," I tackled her in a hug, squeezing tightly. I feel she was going to be my new friend.

I feel her return the hug, "You're welcome. Now let's go cheer Steven up, right?". I grin, thinking this'll be the start of something beautiful.


Greetings people of Wattpad, this is KingMythLord . On behalf of the main man himself, -_Crimson-Moon_-, we'd both like to thank each and every one of you for stopping by for yet another chapter in this ongoing book of fluffy cute romance. My bro really worked on this, so be sure to give him some love and we'll see all of you next time! Peace out!!!!

Ah, I can't take all the credit. King did just as much. Most importantly I must say the influx of people on this book has been astounding. I know Steven x Spinel is becoming the next major ship, and we're more than happy to provide it. Hope you all enjoyed this chapter and we'll both see you all in the next one, laters. :)

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