Chapter Fourteen

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Hey guys! Took around 3 hours to finish this up in one seating. It's shorter than usaul, that's cause it's really more of a filler but don't fret, cause the next chapter is where all the fun and excitement begins! :)

Enjoy! xx

5 years ago 

"Where's your little boyfriend, shortie? Not here to protect you today?" One of the guys sneered at me, causing the whole group of them to burst out into laughter.

I narrowed my eyes at them, thinking that I could probably take down all of them easily. But sadly, in order to protect our race, we were not allowed to show ourselves in wolf form or even our inhumane speed and strength. That meant that I could only bare this quietly. 

Ignore them, ignore them, they're stupid, ignorant idiots. Just turn around and walk away, Belle, you can do this. I chanted in my mind with my eyes shut.

"Ohhhh, look at that. Little Belle is scared to even look at us!" Another one of them hollered. 

I could sense him before he was even near. Before he could make a move, I held up my arm to stop him. 

"I'm not a child anymore, I can protect myself. Step back," I warned him. At that moment, I was half in control because anger that seeped into me brought out the wolf inside. I didn't even stop to think that what I was saying to the future Alpha could possibly anger him.

That only made them laugh even more. One of the boys opened their mouth and before he could say a word, I made sure to beat him. "Ohhh, look at that. Little Belle thinks she's soooooo brave and strong, she can protect herself." I sneered, faking their voices, before adding on a snide remark of my own, "gosh, it's always the same thing! Do you guys even have any creativity? Grow up and get a grip of yourselves. We all know you're just scared little boys trying to protect yourselves. That doesn't give you a reason to bully others. And just for the record, I don't care a damn thing you say about me because I know they aren't true. I love who I am, even if I'm short, and I don't give a damn what position I have in the social ladder. You are the ones who are weak and scared and that is why you try to feel powerful and so great by making others scared of you. But guess what, I don't freaking care."

With that, I grabbed Adri's hand and walked away from them. A smile fought its way onto my face from the last scene I saw of them. Let's just say there weren't as gleeful as they had been a moment ago.

Adri was silent as he walked with me but I knew he was proud of me, I just knew. I could almost hear his voice telling me: that's my Bella.



I wanted to cry, I could feel the tears boiling, simmering, ready to fall. But something held them back.

Flashes of what happened whirled through my mind like an old videotape and all I wanted to do was to scream at him. Albeit I deserved it, he had went too far as well. That wasn't the Adri I knew. The Adri I knew was kind, forgiving, cheerful, and loving. 

Hugging myself tightly, I felt the first tear finding its way down, its destiny, its course, its route, its journey aided by gravity. 

It went slowly, almost like a snail, down down down, until it reached the edge of my lips and changed its direction, now following the curve of my lips.

The saltiness of my teardrop was welcoming. My tongue flicked out involuntarily to welcome its intrusion. It reminded me of my past breakdowns. 

I was sick of them. I was sick of feeling weak. So what if Adri used me? So what if Daryl kissed me? It wasn't the end of the world and I was going to keep going and walk through it. All of it. With or without him.

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