Chapter Five

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Hey guys! Sorry for being MIA for so long, but I've decided to post the next chapter which has been sitting in my computer for far too long. I haven't gone around to edit it but I felt I should still continue posting the chapters up. Hope you guys will still remember the story and continue supporting me! Please comment and vote (if you think its worth it) and let me know what you think! :)

Ten years ago

"Adri, I can't do this! Let me down!" I cried out, holding on to the tree trunk for my dear life.

"Uh-uh, you said you could do this. You can't go back on your word." Adrian replied, "besides, it's not that bad. Come on, you're almost halfway there!"

"HALFWAY? It's like less than one quarter! I can't do this, what if I fall?" I complained, pouting.

"Belle, don't be such a baby! You were the one who wanted to go up the tree. Just keep going!" Adri urged, pushing me upwards.

Groaning, I reached up to the next branch I could find and yanked myself up. My legs were wobbling and I didn't dare to look down. 

"That's right, just keep going. It's almost halfway now." He continued to encourage me. 

Okay, I can do this, I told myself with my eyes shut as I reached out my arm again. That was when my hand made contact with something really slippery and slimy, my first reaction was to let go. However, with my left foot hovering and my right foot not on a stable part of the tree, my other hand couldn't take my weight and I fell. 

I screamed.

Before I knew it, I hit something and landed on the ground. Or should I say Adrian. 

He groaned, "Belle! What happened?"

Luckily, I wasn't hurt since we weren't that high up yet and I landed on Adrian, not the ground. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry, are you okay?"

"What do you think?" Adrian muttered back in response as he rubbed his head, wincing a bit. 

"Let me see it." I reached for his head, guilt rushing through me.

There was little bump on his head but it wasn't bleeding or anything. I rubbed it gently to sooth the pain. "It should be fine in a while, there's no bleeding. I'm sorry, Adri! I just slipped."

"It's okay. Next time, I'm going before you," he joked, looking at me. 

"No way, there's never going to be a next time." I insisted, crossing my arms, pouting. 

He chuckled, "Oh really?" 

That trademark smirk of his, plus those twinkling mischievous eyes told me one thing: he was up to no good.

"Oh no, what are you going to do?" I tried to get up and as far away from him as possible, but he was too fast for me.

He jumped up and caught me, throwing me over his shoulder and before I could even process what he was doing, he quickly ran towards the tree, throwing himself up. Expertly, he reached up for one branch and another continuously, climbing up way faster than I ever could as I held on to him tightly. "What are you doing! Let me down!" I screamed. 

"Ouch, your voice!" He hissed. "We're almost there!"

"There you go!" He heaved as he sat both of us down on a thick sturdy tree branch. 

I was so nervous as he put me down onto the branch. "That wasn't so bad now, was it?" He grinned at me cheekily.

I slapped his chest, annoyed, "Don't you ever do that to me again! You scared me half to death!" 

That stupid boy just grinned at me in amusement. "Look!" He said, pointing up. 

Curious, I lifted my head to be greeted by an amazing view. I inhaled sharply. From where we were sitting, I could see the whole backyard of our huge pack house and the activities going on in the house through the windows. Dar was watching Beauty and the Beast again with Chase in the living room. Well, Chase looked like he was falling asleep more than watching the movie while Dar's eyes were practically glued to the screen. My mum and Rose were chatting animatedly on the second floor. 

Looking away from the pack house, I saw the huge big trees and the azure sky. Everything seemed so different from up here, I guess it was a matter of perspective, but I really liked this feeling. It made me forget all my problems, as I realised for myself how big the world was out there, and how small we all were in comparison. I felt detached and falling into an objective view of everything, being able to see what everyone else was doing. It was an amazing feeling. 

"Wow," I breathed softly, not believing my eyes as I felt the gentle wind against my skin. I wasn't even afraid of the height. With Adri, I wasn't afraid of anything. 

Out of the blue, I felt a peck on my cheek. I turned around to look at him, shocked. "What was that for?"

Instead of replying, he continued to grin cheekily at me and ignored my question. "So you like it? It was worth it right? Next time, you're coming up here by yourself." 

I grinned at how charming he was, nodding in response. The next time I was coming back up, I knew I wouldn't be afraid.

"Though, you can't climb up here alone, it's dangerous. So tell me when you want to come back up okay?" He told me seriously.

"Okay," I agreed cheerfully.



Adrian's POV

I could see everyone's surprise when Belle and I got down for dinner, both of us smiling widely. I understood why perfecly, since I myself couldn't believe I just forgave Belle so easily. I guess she had always held a special place in my heart, I couldn't bear to see her upset. I knew I could never live without her, so it was only a matter of time before I would forgive her anyway. And forgiving her fast wasn't a bad thing. I had missed her so badly over the last two years. I only realised how important she was to me when she left. She was my support and I needed her to keep me afloat, from all the problems I faced and all the times I was down, I wanted her to share my tears and joy with me.

"Adri, look at you. We hadn't had a chance to talk to you just now. But what a fine man you've grown into! Your mate would be such a lucky girl!" Belle's mum said once we settled down on the dinner table.

"Thank you Beth, but unfortunately, I haven't found her yet." I told her, faking a smile. In truth, it hurt. It hurt every single damn time someone brought up the topic on mates, because everything that had to do with my mate just brought back bad memories. Memories of annoyance, rash and bad choices, and of my best friend leaving me. The fact that I still haven't found her had also always troubled me deep down in my heart, I was worried that she didn't want me, or even worse, she had left my life before she could even be a part of it yet.

"I'm so sorry to hear that. But don't worry too much all right? I'm sure she'll find you soon, just be patient!" Beth smiled at me sweetly.

Smiling back, I looked around to find Chase and Belle exchanging a look like they always did. And for some reason, that made me jealous. I wanted to be part of it, like how we used to be. Chase and Belle always shared this bond in which neither Dar or I could penetrate. But putting that aside, I could still remember all those times when we would plot evil schemes together and one look at each others' faces, we would know exactly what each other was thinking about. 

"Well, I'm glad the two of you made up." Mum commented, as she put down our reheated Mac and Cheese. "Hurry and eat it before it gets cold again." She chastised, though she was clearly pleased to see me in such a great mood. 

I knew I had been rather moody recently, especially after Belle had left. I guess her leaving just affected me so much, I didn't know how to adapt. In the past, we could talk about anything and everything and she was one of the few people I knew I could count on and I was never afraid to confide in her. I knew she would never hurt me, but when she left, I guess I felt betrayed, and that feeling of pain was just indescribable. Afterwards, I just kept everything to myself and thinking about it now, I must have made my parents very worried. I wasn't as close to Chase as I used to be as well. With that realisation, guilt tugged at my heart strings and I made a mental promise to myself that I would work on that. 

When Belle gave me her explanation, I couldn't help but feel guilty for being angry at her when she tried to confide in me on my 16th birthday. I was too rash and jumped to the conclusion that she was trying to lie to me that she was my mate. Looking at her so torn and upset, I couldn't help but forgive her. Besides, both of us had a common goal, and that was to fix us. I honestly didn't know if it would be too late, but I was willingly to give it a try. After all, Belle was back, and I was confident she could glue us back together. Somehow.

After dinner, Chase and Eric went to wash the dishes. It was supposed to be me tonight but Eric had swopped slots with me the other day to fetch Lily to Dance class. It was still a little weird given the huge age gap between Eric and Lily but I knew it was only a matter of time before it would cease to matter. In another ten years, no one is going to give them another glance. I could see how perfect the two of them were made for each other, and I was really glad that they could be so happy together. But the thought of mates made my heart clench, I wondered if I would ever meet my soul mate, my perfect match - the person I could live the rest of my life with. Ever since I was young, I looked up to my parents with utmost admiration. They had always been best friends apart from lovers, they understood and fit each other perfectly. They were always there to support one another… almost like Belle and I… used to anyway. I could still see the overbrimming love my parents had for each other from their eyes, even now. I had always looked forward to finding my other half, just like my parents had. But my 16th birthday had already come and gone, yet my mate was yet to found.

I hid the disappointment I felt and looked around to see Belle being dragged aside by Lily. The scene before me made me smile, everyone here liked Belle, that much I could tell. With her back, I suddenly felt a sense of familiarity and nostalgia that wasn't here yesterday, nor any of the days she was absent. Looking around, I found the adults sitting down together for a small gathering, the children went to bathe to get ready for bed and the teenagers and younger adults went back to their bedroom to go about their own business. This reminded me to be grateful for what I had, I had a wonderful pack filled with amazing people and I would do anything to keep them safe. 

With a satisfied nod, I manoeuvred my way up the stairs to my room. I still had some things to deal with regarding the pack that had recently moved into our town. As I sat down onto my chair, there was knock on my door. 

"Come in."

As I booted up my laptop, I realised too late who the person who had entered my room was. Two arms wrapped around me as Dar purred at my ears, "Hey, you all right?"

Stiffly, I answered, "Why wouldn't I be?"

She tightened her hold around me, saying, "Well, Belle just returned… I thought you were angry with her?"

"I forgave her."

I felt her tense up, "You forgave her?"

I sighed, I really wasn't in the mood to repeat myself, seeing that I haven't been having much sleep lately. "Yes, Dar. I forgave her."

"Then, w- what about me?" 

I got up, unwrapping her arms around me to face her. "What do you mean 'what about you'?"

"You can forgive her so easily, and yet you refuse to forgive me even when I beg you every single day?"

I ran my hand through my hair, bad habit, and looked at her. "Look, it's not that I don't forgive you. You have to know that. I'm not angry at you or anything, I just can't be with you."

"Why not? Why can't you just give me another chance?" She whined, frustration in her eyes.


"I can change, I've already told you that. You just refuse to give me another chance." She cut me off and came forward to hug me. 

"Dar-" I tried to push her away but she held on to me tightly.

"I can give you anything you want. Just accept me, please." She begged, her lips quivering.

"It's not that I don't want to give you a chance, Dar." I groaned. "I've already told you that. We're just not fit to be together."

As I finally managed to unwrap her from me, again, she protested, "I said I could change for you, just tell me, and I will change."

"Darlene. Stop it." I spoke in my Alpha tone, I knew that was very rude but I couldn't take it anymore, I really didn't understand what she saw in me and I really couldn't take her coming to my room almost everyday, trying to make me accept her.

"Dar," I tried again, my voice gentler this time, "Look, you're an amazing girl. But we can't be together because I have a mate out there and so do you. Like my mum always says, our mate is the one perfect for us. We tried being together, and it didn't work out because we're not fit to be together. It's not anyone's fault. If I make you change for me, you won't be happy. And as your best friend, you know I want the best for you. And I know that what is best for you is your mate. Somewhere out there, you will find that mate of yours who you are fated to be with. Only then will you truly be happy. Forcing yourself to be with me will only make both of us unhappy. So please, please... please, Darlene. Stop asking me to accept you, because I will only accept the woman who is my mate." 

I ended off with much emphasis on the words 'my mate' as I looked to see Dar looking disappointed, tears breaming at her eyes. Sighing, I wiped her tears away and started to push her lightly towards the door of my room. 

"Now, go wash your face and have some rest. I'll see you in the morning. Good night, Dar." 

When we made it to the door, she turned around to face me. "You're different tonight." She sniffed, "It's because of her, isn't it?"

I looked at her dumbfounded as my mind struggled to connect the dots. 

She shook her head slightly before whispering softly in a defeated tone, "Good night, Adri."

With that, she turned around and walked away. 

Frowning, I thought about what she had said. Who was 'her'? And how was I different? 

Shaking my head, I walked back to my computer. Just as I was about to sit down and finally get some work done, I saw an outline of a person sitting by my tree. Under the pale silver gleaming moonlight, I could make out the silhouette of a girl hugging the tree trunk and swinging her legs. 

With a breath caught in my throat, I realised who she was. She, the one Dar was referring to and the one sitting at my favourite tree, was none other than my Bella. A smile tugged at my lips as many precious memories of the both of us spending time together at that tree flashed through my mind like a video collage. Without even thinking what I was doing, I walked towards my balcony and jumped down into the backyard. Silently, I crept towards our tree, watching Belle. 

She was smiling slightly, deep in thought. I couldn't help but feel the sense of satisfaction to know that she was back. Finally back, with us, where she had always belonged. 

I could still remember the first time I carried her up the tree, she was too scared to climb on her own and ended up falling onto me. I couldn't help that huge silly grin that formed on my face as I recalled her expression of amazement as I showed her my 'heaven'.  I always enjoyed sitting alone as the leaves rustled around me and I would watch the activities going on in the lives of the people I cared about. It was a good place to be when I had things to think through and I always found myself there during the past two years, especially when I was missing her badly. 

"What are you staring at?" Her soft gentle voice woke me from my reverie.

Caught staring at her, I quickly chuckled, pointing to the moon. "That. It's almost full moon."

This time it was her turn to chuckle. "What? Afraid you're going to turn wolf and scare everyone around?"

I just shook my head in amusement. With a leap and a step, I made my way up the tree and onto the tree branch next to her in one swift motion. I had come up here so many times I didn't even find it hard at all.

"So, how did you get up here?" I asked her with a straight face, emitting fake seriousness. 

She slapped my chest, just like how she used to, and replied pointedly, "By myself."

"Oh really? Did you fall down the first try?" I teased, grinning at her cheekily. I couldn't help myself around her, I just had to tease her to see her amusing reactions. It was addictive. 

"Actually, I did. I hurt my arm. Will you help me take a look at it?" She pouted, looking up at me with those puppy dog eyes of hers that I could never resist. 

When I realised what had just happened, I was stunned. Usually, she would response in annoyance or hit me since she wouldn't know what to say, but this time she actually responded. 

She burst out laughing at my stunned expression before I could say anything.

I nodded, well two can play the game. "What? Did you hurt your head as well?" 

"I'm not sure, I can't seem to remember…" She gave me her thinking expression, her finger tapping her chin.

"Here let me check, I'm pretty sure you did, given that you can't even remember if you hit your head."

I moved closer, about to check her head when she started screaming from the sudden jerk of the branch we were sitting on as I was moving.

My first reaction was to cover her mouth quickly so as to not wake the whole neighbourhood up.

She licked my hand, making me withdraw it as if it just got scalded with hot water. 

"Don't move," she told me sternly, her arms going around me to keep me in place.

I chuckled, putting my arm around her as well. "I'm glad to see that you haven't changed entirely. You're still a scaredy-cat."

"Am not," She stuck her tongue out at me childishly.

Shaking my head in amusement, I argued back for the sake of it, "Are too!" 

"Are not," she quickly followed up.

"Am…" I drew out, making her wait in anticipation. "NOT."

She just rolled her eyes, "You are. And you know it. So I shall save my saliva and not argue with you."

"Whatever you say…my Bella," I grinned at her, tightening my hold onto her as I secretly busked in the familiar feel of holding her in my arms.

"It's Belle," she muttered as she nudged me weakly.

I just smiled, not responding. I didn't need to. We both sat together in comfortable silence, deep in our own thoughts. Looking down, I watched Belle with her eyes closed and a small smile on her face as she rested her head against my chest. She looked so peaceful, if it wasn't for her next question, I would have thought that she was asleep.

"I'm finally back," She opened those warm chestnut-brown eyes of hers as she looked up at me, smiling.

My heart clenched at what she had said. "Yes," I agreed, smiling back. After all those times of hoping, envisioning, praying, wanting and needing her back in my life, she was finally back. "You're finally back."

Without thinking what I was going to do next, I leaned into her and pressed my warm lips against her cool forehead. I hugged her tighter in my arms, at the same time making sure I wasn't squeezing the life out of her, especially since she looked so tiny and weak. Though I knew that was far from true, Belle was strong, stronger than probably most of the female werewolves in out pack. I knew this with certainty, after all, I was the one who trained her.

"And you're never gonna leave." I muttered, as more of a reassurance to myself than anything.

She nodded, whispering, "I promise."

That was all that I needed to know.

Belle's POV

"Belle, come here!" As soon as I had put down my spoon after finishing my dinner, Lily came over to drag me with her.

I laughed, "Where are we going?"

She didn't reply as she continued to drag me up the stairs to her room. I followed after her hesitantly, a little worried about what was going on. She had a very serious expression on that innocent looking face of hers. After we got into her room, she quickly closed the door, locking it.

"What's wrong Lil?" I asked, concerned.

Taking a deep breath, she turned around and burst out, "Belle, I'm scared!"

Her green eyes shone in a darker shade as a sheen of tears formed, threatening to fall. I went forward, opening my arms as she came crashing into me in a tight hug. "I don't know what to do!" She cried out.

What she said sent me down a trip to memory lane as I remembered the exact same thing I said two years ago. "Shhh... sweetie, now now, don't cry." I comforted her, patting her back.

Sniffing, she nodded her head. I sat both of us down on her bed and smiled at her encouragingly. "Now, tell me what's wrong."

Her face turned beet red as she looked down at her lap. "It's... it's just that..." She struggled to find the right words.

"Lily," I called her name but she refused to look up. "Lily, look at me."

Slowly and reluctantly, she lifted her head to look up at me.

"No matter what it is, you can tell me. I promise you I will keep it a secret and that I'll do my best to help you. You know that you can trust me right?" I smiled at her.

She nodded, smiling back. I gestured for her to continue and she bit her lip nervously as she contemplated what to tell me.

"Okay, well, you know my birthday, it was last month..."

"The 10th right?" I remembered.

She nodded, smiling back at me. "Well, I'm 10 this year so... I'll be going through my big T soon."

"Why! But that's good news, isn't it? You'll finally be able to meet your wolf. Or are you afraid of the pain?" I asked her gently.

"No, it's not that," she shook her head, letting her blonde hair fall around her face. "I mean, I guess I am afraid of it, but that's not what I'm worried about."

"Well then, is it Eric?" I prompted. Upon hearing his name, her ears perked up and she bit her lip.

"It's him? What did he do? Tell me, and I'll go settle it for you! " I asked as anger burst inside of me. I was always protective of Lily, she was like the little sister I never had and if anyone ever dared to bully her, I definitely wouldn't stand around and do nothing. I wouldn't let anyone make her upset.

"No, no, it's not like that!" Lily protested urgently. I could see the protectiveness vibe coming off of her the moment I spoke bad about him.

"He didn't do anything wrong! In fact, he's been nothing but a sweetheart to me. He never tried to pressurize me into anything." She explained to me quickly, clearing his name.

I smiled at how sweet that was. "Then what is it?"

She frowned, "Well, Eric found out we were mates through his wolf. But there is no concrete evidence to show that we are truly mates. I can't help but worry that these are all speculations and that when I finally can turn wolf, I would find put that we aren't really mates."

Looking up at me, I saw helplessness and anxiety written all over her face. My heart clenched at that possibility and how that would turn out if it were true.

"I don't know what I'll do about it. Seriously, I've grown so fond of him since I found out we were mates, I...." She looked down again, whispering the last part to me, "I think I already love him."

Before I could say anything in response, her head shot up. "I know it's sounds really weird, after all, I'm only 10. But...I..."

"Lily," I smiled at her. "I believe that when it comes to love, age really doesn't matters. What truly matters is what you feel. I understand your worry, I really do. Honestly, I can't assure you that what you worry about won't happen, since we've never come across anyhing like this before, so I can't know for sure, but I feel that no matter what happens, everything will turn out fine. There's really no point in worrying about it because it is up to fate what really happens, so the advice I can give you now is to trust God, trust Eric, trust yourself, and trust the love you share with Eric. And the rest, let God handle it." I watched as she took in my words. I didn't know if what I said would benefit her, but I knew no matter what happened, I would always be there for her.

"If it really comes down to that, we'll worry about it when it happens. I will be there for you no matter what happens, okay? I will make sure everything turns out fine. I promise you." I told her firmly, tucking her strand of loose hair behind her ear and smiling at her warmly. I only hoped she would feel better.

She nodded her head, smiling back at me. "All right, then. Don't worry that pretty little mind of yours and go to bed. You still have school tomorrow." I nudged her nose endearingly.

"Good night Belle. Thanks for listening to me." She said, as she gave me a good night hug.

"No problem, if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm always here." I smiled at her, hugging back. "Good Night, Lil. Sleep tight, and don't let the bed bugs bite."

She giggled at what I used to say to her all the time. I smiled as I took one last look at her before closing the door behind me.

As soon as she was gone from sight, I heaved a sigh. I really wasn't sure what was going to happen, but I had to remain strong and confident im front of her, she needed someone to rely on, to tell her that everything would be okay. She was still so young, I only hoped God would be kind to her, unlike me.

"You really think everything would be okay?" A voice startled me. Looking up, I wasn't surprised to see Eric leaning against the wall opposite me. He was wearing the same worried expression as little Lily, his tired eyes and the worry lines on his forehead showed just how much stress he was facing. I could just imagine how hard it had to be to be in such a risky relationship.

I sighed again, looking at how troubled he looked.

He rubbed his temples as I thought about what I should say to him. I couldn't give him false hope, that would only make matters worse. Besides, he knew the whole situation much better than I did, he knew exactly what he was in.

I couldn't give him the answer he wanted, nor the reassurance he needed. So I decided that the only thing I could give him was my support and comfort. With that, I walked towards him to give him a hug. He hugged me back tightly.

"Eric, I want you to believe in yourself. Do you honestly think that Lily is your mate? Don't think about anything else, just answer my question." I asked.

He hesitated, but quickly told me a firm 'yes'.

I smiled at him, "Then there is nothing to worry about."

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