Chapter 14: Weebs

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Chapter 14: Weebs

It was at this exact moment that Frisk decided to swoon and pass out.

Mr. Peterson barely managed to catch her before she hit her head on the floor. He scooped her up and cradled her in his arms.

"Here," he said, and dumped the girl on top of the Player, at least, from what he could tell from his computer screen.

"I staggered from the sudden weight that I needed to support," the pink text box at the bottom of the screen read. Pleasant music continued to play in the background in complete contrast to the dangerous situation the party found themselves in.

The three girls in the room with them stepped forward as one. Yuri took out her knife.

Mama sprang forward, and began to fight with the three of them... somehow. She bit at the attacking trio, causing them to back off for just a moment.

"Go!" yelled Bendy and out the door they all went.

Everyone could see the out-of-place door: it was rough-hewn and looked like it belonged in a cartoon. Unfortunately, it was placed the other end of the hallway, blocked by dozens of students, with still more pouring out of adjoining classrooms.

"Here we go with another impossible fight," said Freddy. "I am never walking through another mysterious doorway again."

"Here we goooooooooooo!!!!" yelled Baldi, charging straight into the army of students with no hesitation.

"You can tell that he's the new one," Bendy has remarked.

And everyone ran right behind him.

Baldi, as it unsurprisingly turned out, was exceptionally good at hitting students with his ruler. He immediately hit first three running at him, sending them flying backwards with inhuman strength.

Bendy and the Neighbor worked insanely well together, as though they were the same person. They stood back-to-back, batting or blasting away any foe that trying to charge them. Their coordination was incredible.

Freddy, meanwhile, was throwing microphones into the crowd so quickly that his hand was a blur. There were so many students, it was literally impossible for him to miss.

A dozen students suddenly burst from the adjoining classroom and ran at Freddy.

"Look out!" yelled the Player at his computer screen, but there was no need.

Freddy closed his eyes as though he was in deep concentration, and suddenly, five gigantic pizzas appeared at the end of the hallway. They rolled past the bear and into the students, bowling them over like pins.

"Since when could you do that?" demanded the Neighbor, slamming his shovel into the face of yet another student.

Freddy didn't even have time to respond, backhanding a student behind him without turning around.

Mama dashed out of the Literature Club's classroom as fast as her little legs could carry her, pursued by an absolute swarm of homicidal teenagers. She constantly bared her teeth and growled, stalling them each time she did so.

The group was oh-so-slowly making their way to the door when suddenly Baldi fell over, disappearing under the mound of students who had pushed him.

"Freddy! Get him!" the Neighbor yelled, batting away another five students.

Freddy cursed and muttered obscenities but made his way over to the teacher, somehow managed to extract him, and began to drag him along.

The group finally made it to the door, Bendy blasting the last student in the way into oblivion.

"Neighbor! I can't go through!" the Player yelled at his computer screen.

"Pipe down up there, kid!" a voice came from downstairs.

Mr. Peterson seemed to understand. He ran over, jumped over a slide-tackle from a kamikaze student, grabbed Frisk, and slogged back to the door again.

Monika laughed. She had gotten herself so worked up over the fight with the robot, only to have it end in literally two seconds. She bathed in the now-familiar sensation of getting stronger.

Flowery popped out of the ground. How he managed to travel, Monika had no idea.

"Well?" he quipped. "What game can you reach now?"

Monika raised her hand. "It's called - I'm sorry, what?" she said, bewildered.

Flowery peered over her shoulder. "One of the classics. Only a matter of time till we got there. I think one of my older cousins lives there."

"You have a cousin?"

"Doesn't matter. He isn't even here. Ready to get back to the routine?"

Bendy threw up a gigantic wall of ink and yanked open the door. The Player watched them all stagger through, exhausted: first Freddy, dragging Baldi, then Bendy, then Mama, then the Neighbor. The mustached man had just gotten through when dozens of hands ripped through the ink from the other side and began to grope at the Player, standing mere inches away.

The Player clicked the red "X" and turned the game off.

But it refused.

The Player's eyes goggled. He mashed the button, while the students behind him ripped the barrier apart ever-quickly.

Finally, on what seems like the thirtieth try, just as the first student made it through wall, the game closed.

The Player sucked in several deep breaths. That had gotten way more intense than he needed it to be, real or not.

A terrible thought suddenly struck the Player.

He had no idea what game he needed to go to next.

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