Chapter 5: An Alliance Made

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Chapter 5: An alliance made.

"Y - you know who I am?!" Monika asked.

Flowey's face, which had gradually been popping out during their conversation, now returned to its normal state. "Oh, yeah. You bet! I've actually been dying to meet you. The way you killed all of your clubmates in cold blood? Astonishing! I don't even think there's anyone else more vicious in the multiverse than you or I."

A thousand questions ran through Monika's mind at once. The only one she thought to ask was, "How do you know me?"

"The Undernet. Your fandom is almost as intense as mine!"


"Nothing. Anyways, someone really ought to show you how things work down here, huh? Lucky for you, you've got me! Your new best friend!" Flowey said even more cheerfully than before.

"Uh... what happened to being vicious? You mean you're NOT going to hurt me?" Monika questioned.

Flowey giggled. "Of course not! It's not like I would ever be able to in time, before that goat woman showed up."

"... What?"

"Oh, don't worry. Just know that I'm here to help. Anyways, see that?" The lights dimmed. Actually, no, the whole room, even Monika's body dimmed. All that remained was a glowing pinkish heart that suddenly popped up in front of her. "That is your SOUL, the very culmination of your being! Now, your soul starts of weak, but can grow strong if you gain lots of LOVE."

"I have plenty of love, believe me."

"I'm talking. Now, then, down here, LOVE is shared through... eh..."

Before Flowey could say another word, a white, furry hand suddenly stretched out and threw a fireball at the unfortunate flower. It let out a squeal and went flying.

Monika blinked. This was getting more and more bizarre by the moment.

It was made even more bizarre when a giant goat woman suddenly stepped out the doorway and greeted her.

"Aw, come on!" the Player whined. Upon walking through the door, their game had promptly decided to crash.

The Player quickly reopened Hello Neighbor to find their two new friends peering through the doorway.

"See? Told ya. We woulda died." said the Neighbor.

"Can you please stop with the death, Mr. Peterson," Freddy said, facepalming.


"Guys! I'm right here!" the Player interjected.

"Damn i - I mean, good to see that you're alive." the Neighbor corrected.

"OK, OK. I think I've got this figured out." the Player said. "So, according to Freddy, this leads to a different game, correct?"

"Game? This is real, kiddo." Freddy said.

"They break the fourth wall? Cool! Anyways, all I have to do is go to the game, and I can meet you guys there, right?"

The Neighbor stroked his mustache. "I can't argue with that. And you do know which game this leads to, right?"

The Player looked at his computer screen, serious for once in his life. "You bet."

"Well, then. I still don't understand this, but see you there, kiddo." Freddy said.

"See you."

And the duo turned and walked through the door. Simultaneously, which caused them to jam their shoulders, until Freddy got out of the way and graciously allowed the Neighbor to go first.

The Player closed the game.

The Player's mind was swimming. What was this? Games breaking down? Characters out of place? He had certainly never seen anything like it on Youtube. Did this have anything to do with the file reassignment he had just done?

His face broke out into an involuntary smile. Whatever was happening, it was insanely cool, and he wasn't just about to let such an awesome thing pass him by.

He sighed, went to Steam, and opened up Bendy and the Ink Machine.

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