Chapter 7: Don't Tattle on Me

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Chapter 7: Don't Tattle on Me

Frisk woke up. Again. A soft morning light came through a window as she opened her eyes.

The room she was in was warm and spacious, with white walls, piles of stuffed animals, and a desk made of dark oak. A large dresser and a nightstand stood nearby.

Frisk sat up, swung her legs off the bed, and stood up. What was the insanity that she now found herself in?

In a confused daze, she walked over to the dresser and pulled open its drawers. They were filled with several copies of a school uniform. The clothes were mainly beige in color, with orange undershirts, a red bow-like tie, and a white collar being the only splashes of color. Opening another drawer, she found it was filled with blue skirts and dark stockings. It was as though she had been dropped one of those anime TV shows that Alphys was always watching.

"What is this?" she asked herself. She knew that there had to be an explanation for it all, but she didn't understand it just yet.

She walked over to the desk. On it was a sticky note, which said, ""Don't forget about the Literature Club!" in graceful cursive. And below it, in smaller print, "4 pm after school".

School? Frisk thought to herself. Then she looked at alarm clock on the nightstand, which stated that it was already 6:45 in the morning.

Frisk groaned and flopped back onto the bed. She didn't have to do anything, did she? She could just sit here, and wait for things to go back to normal (as normal as they can get when you're in a cave full of talking skeletons and goat monarchs). And, if anything bad happened, she knew that shecould reset, right?

Now that she was thinking about that, she suddenly felt weaker. Physically weaker. Like someone had taken all the strength from her muscles. She sank into the bed.

No, she thought to herself. I am DETERMINED. I can do this! She jumped up. She had saved an entire species of monsters single-handedly. Going to school? No sweat, right?

The foursome made their way to the door, Bendy muttering to himself along the way. "I hate that place. I've always hated that place." he spat. Literally spat. He spat out ink as he spoke.

Nobody replied.

They reached the door. "This is where I leave," the Player said.

"You know this place, right?" Bendy grumbled.

"Uh... yeah. Yeah. You bet." the Player stammered.

"And I guess you're not going to tell us." the Neighbor muttered under his breath.

"Hey, I wouldn't want to... tattle on anyone." Bendy said with a wink.

And with that, he opened the door and stepped through, Freddy and Mr. Peterson right on his heels.

The door abruptly shut and reverted to its normal dull yellow color scheme.

The Player turned all of the recent developments over in their head. How could is misplacement of Monika suddenly cause every single other game on his computer to act up? Was it because of that, or something else? And were they all being serious? Were all these lovable characters... real?

"Nah," the Player said to himself out loud. And he closed Bendy and the Ink Machine.

Flowey popped up, off to the side. "Wow! That was pretty impressive!" he said to her.

Monika wasn't paying any attention. "What is this?! This isn't my game! Explain this to me, Flowey!"

Flowey looked as though he was trying to shrug. "I was thinking you would know. It's your abilities, isn't it?" he asked.

Monika sighed. "Yeah, yeah, I guess you're right."

Suddenly, three new files appeared in the folder.

"What's this?" Monika said to herself.

"Oh, those must be universe-hopping heroes who are journeying throughout the entirety of the multiverse in order to stop you on your mission to return to your true love," Flowey said in a casual, bored tone of voice.

"You don't know anything about my powers, but you know that?!" Monika exclaimed.

Flowey "shrugged" again. "Yep."

Monika sighed. "Well, if they're going to try to stop me..." she mused, "Then I'll just delete them." 

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