Chapter 4: The Meeting

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Chapter 4: The Meeting

Frisk opened her eyes.

"W - what?" she said out loud. "I can open my eyes? I can open my eyes!" she shouted in triumph.

And then it hit her.

"I can talk? I CAN TALK!!!" Frisk screamed at the top of her lungs, too overjoyed by it all to care if anyone heard.

"But where am I?" she asked herself.

She appeared to be in a classroom that was completely empty, save for a desk and two chairs facing each other. Chairs that, upon closer inspection, appeared to be bolted into the floor. The desk was empty, the rest of the room was empty. The whole design seemed to be for the sole purpose of allowing two people to sit in the chairs and stare at each other.

Oh, wait. There was a door.

Frisk walked over to it and opened it unheedingly.

Thousands - no, millions of lines of code appeared, their white characters blinding the unfortunate human. No one's mind should ever have to comprehend that.

Frisk shut the door quickly, but not before seeing a single line of code in a different color, blood red. Just two characters: an equal sign and a parentheses.


Frisk pressed her back up against the door and sank to the floor, breathing heavily.

"Well, this place sucks." she said bluntly. "Can I still reset?" Frisk was still marveling over her newfound voice.

Sure enough, with a thought, the menu that she had always known popped up, the same as ever, with "Continue" on the left and "Reset" on the right. Just like always.

"Well, then. What could possibly go wrong?" And she resetted the world.

Hello, Neighbor booted up. The menu screen was normal. When he loaded up the game, everything looked normal. The Neighbor's house loomed as large as it always did.

However, there was something decidedly different once he walked into the Neighbor's house.

There was the Neighbor, sure. But there was also another figure, standing next to him. And that figure was...

"Freddy?!" the Player yelled out loud in surprise.

"Quiet down up there, son!" a voice called from downstairs.

"It's that damn kid again!" the Neighbor yelled, and began to full-throttle charge at the unfortunate player.

Or would have, if Freddy hadn't put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Look. Buddy," he said, in that deep, muffled voice of his. "I'm all for killing people, but this guy... he's just a kid. Cut him some slack, will you? Maybe he can explain things."

Mr. Peterson grumbled and groused but finally said, "Fine. For YOU."

"You guys have voice acting now? INSANE!"

"What is this 'voice acting'?" the Neighbor asked.

"You guys can hear me?!" the Player whisper-shouted.

"Uh, yeah. Why couldn't we?" Freddy asked.

I guess whatever Monika did to access my microphones left it open to everyone else, too, the Player deduced.

"Got it, got it. And, uh... Freddy's here, too? What's this all about?" the Player asked.

"We were hoping you could answer that," the Neighbor grumbled.

"And that door?" the Player questioned.

The Neighbor squinted. "I don't know why, but I'm getting this urge to go through it."

This is pretty ridiculous, the Player thought to themself, but I might as well go along with it for now.

"Y'know, that sounds kind of familiar to how I got here," Freddy mused.

The Neighbor snapped his fingers. "I've got it! To make sure that it's safe, we'll send the kid through first!"

Freddy facepalmed. "You really want to kill that kid, don't you? I got here through one of these doors, and I can assure you that it's perfectly safe."

"I don't care. What's the harm? If he dies, he can just respawn." replied the Neighbor.

"Uh, I don't think that's how it -" began the Player.

"Ah, to heck with it. Go!" The Neighbor gently pushed the Player towards the door.

Seeing no other choice, the Player took a deep breath and pressed left click on his mouse. The door opened into a shining white void.

And he stepped through. 

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