Chapter 12

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Auburn's POV

A soft breeze ruffled through my hair, making me lean my head further backwards into the crook of Benjamin's neck.  His arms tightened round my stomach and pulled me closer to his chest as he leant head down and gently brushed his lips against my temple. A smile tugged at the corner of my lips as I listened to the complete silence around us aside for the faint scratching of small animals, the running water from a stream and the wind. 

I opened my eyes slowly, enjoying how carefree Benjamin looks with his eyes closed, just enjoying the peace around him. He looked like he would have if he didn't die, if he wasn't changed, a normal 15 year old boy who has a normal life. It's easy to forget that even though we both have minds over two hundred years old, we are still only children, we willl alway's be children. 

There are motivational people out there who say stuff like," You can remain eternally young as long as you remain young at heart," or " Your spirit never ages." Benjamin and I live in a completely different universe from these people. We didn't have a choice... for anything. We didn't get to decide what age we would spend our entire lives stuck at, we didn't get to debate if we wanted to grow old or not, we didn't get a chance to work, we didn't get to decide if we would have children... we didn't get to be children. 

My hand reached up and I gently brushed my finger tips over Benjamin's cheek. His fluttered eyes opened, taking in my expression before  he leant down to place a soft kiss on my forehead, then lifted me up and turned me around on his lap so I was facing him instead of the forest. Resting his forehead against my own, he looked me in the eye and interlaced our stonecold fingers before saying," What's on your mind love?" 

Breaking eye contact, I looked down and fiddled with his fingers before asking," Benji? Do you think that, even if we hadn't have met in Egypt, we still would have found each other?" I ducked my head down further, anticipating his answer. Benjamin slowly lifted one of his hand from mine, taking a soft hold of my chin, he lifted my head so he could once again look me in the eyes. "We were meant to meet Doll. It doesn't matter if we did or didn't meet in Egypt, we would have found each other some day. You're my soul mate and I didn't realize how much of my life I was missing until I met you. Don't you ever forget that." I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck, bringing him into a bone crushing hug. "I love you Benjamin... so much." That was the first time in our whole relationship that those 8 letters had been said. 

He pulled his head back so he was able to look me in the eye, " I love you too Doll." One of his hands crept up the back of my neck and tangled into me brown locks of hair before her pulled me into a passion-filled kiss. Our lips moved against each other in perfect harmony before breaking apart once again. I couldn't stop myself from letting out a small elated laugh and wrapping my arms around his neck and placing an innocent kiss on his lips then pulling away from him completely. He let out a small huff of irritation," Why do you keep doing this to me? All I want to do is kiss you now."

One side of my lips lifted up into a smirk and I let my crimson eyes dart around the clearing before saying," I was just thinking we should get back to the house but if you want to stay here... I'll see you when you come back." I wink at him cheekily then speed away, dashing through the forest with Benjamin trying desperately to catch me. 

Skidding to a stop outside of the house, I lean against the porch railing and pretend to yawn as Benji  reaches the house. " Seriously, I got here like 0.2 seconds after you!" He says in frustration.  I smirk and shrug and begin to head towards the door of the house. Just before I'm able to pull the porch door open, I feel a hand take a hold of my wrist and flip me over their head. I land on the ground with a huff but quickly propel myself to my feet to see Benjamin standing in front of me with a smirk on his lips. He places his hands on my hips causing me to rest my hands on his shoulders and as he leans into place a kiss on my lips. Just as he is about to kiss me, I use my hands on his shoulders to flip myself over his body, landing on my feet. As soon as I land I use my leg to swipe his feet out from under him. 

Benjamin lands with a thud and his mouth hangs open slightly in a confused stare. He pushes himself to his feet saying," I can never win, can I?" In response to his question I simply shrug and send him a wink before moving up the porch steps swiftly and entering the house. 

Sitting down on the couch I tucked one ankle behind the other and picked up a book that had been abandoned on the coffee table, opening it and allowing my eyes to glide over the words printed onto the yellowing pages.  My eyes flickered over to the door that I had previously entered from as it slides open and closed, revealing Benji as he walks casually over to the other  couch and sits down, facing away from me with his arms crossed, a pout on his face. A small chuckle rises from my throat as I realize he is trying to make me feel guilty for leaving him outside on his own. 'Two can play the ignorance game, dear Benny,' I think as I let my eyes travel back to the book and I resume my reading.

A few minutes passed before the soft pattering of feet invaded my ears and I lowered the book, setting it back on the coffee table just as a small body launched through the air and into my arms. 

Renesmee's soft giggles, float through the air as she snuggled into my lap, making herself comfy. I laughed lightly as she focused her attention on the Tv that I had forgotten was on, not saying a single word after her extravagant display of using me as a seat. Only seconds after Renesmee had entered the room, a slightly muscled, tan boy followed, after a quick glance around the room ,he spotted the small girl on my lap and headed in my direction. He planted himself down right beside me and I immediately got a strong whiff of wet dog causing me to scrunch my nose slightly. 

He looked at me and stuck out his hand," Hi, I'm Jacob, I didn't expe-" He abruptly cut off his sentence when I look directly at him, our eyes meeting. It's easy to say that he didn't see my crimson eyes, when he started his introduction. All of a sudden he tensed up and an odd look crawled onto his face, contorting his features. His hands stretched out and slid the child off my lap and into his. Holding her close, protectively, he looked at me with narrowed eyes, he though of me as a threat. " What were you doing with her? Murderer." His previously warm tone turned cold and his sharp, accusing words caused me to flinch backwards in shock and slight hurt. 

A low, slightly hot, growl rose into the air, it wasn't from me or Jacob but from Benji who had given up his act and jumped to my defense straight away. He had also risen from his spot on the opposite couch and was now standing right over me and the dog in front of me. A soft grip wrapped round my bicep and lifted me to my feet, Benny shifted to so he was slightly in front of me and the hand that had lifted me off the couch had intertwined with my own. No matter how many times I tell him I can take care of myself, he still is so protective of me, and I'm starting to find it quite attractive.

Another growl rips through the air and this time it comes from Jacob. His body starts to tremble, causing Benji to push me further behind him and spoke," Watch it, Dog.". I'm starting to realize that this is becoming more of a battle for dominance than an argument. I watched closely as Jacob set down Renesmee as the trembles running through his body became more evident and violent. The young girl started to run to the door leading outside, where I'm guessing most of the others were, however just as she reached the door it slide open, showing Edward, who must've heard our thoughts, Bella and Carlisle.

Bella lifted Renesmee into her arms and remained by the door, while Edward and Carlise flitted over and quickly pushed the two boys away from eachother, who had gotten into eachother's faces. Edward spoke quickly and quietly to Jacob, who continued to glare at Benny and occasionally react to something Edward said. Carlisle had Taken a hold of Benji's shoulder and was attempting to calm him down and after I processed how quick the situation changed, I assisted him by walking round so I was in front of him and making him look me in the yes before pulling him into a tight hug. 

After our hug he wrapped an arm tightly around my waist and kept me secure to his side, where he knew he could protect me. Benji, now calm, still locked  a harsh glare on Jacob, "Benjamin, go outside. Take time to relax." Carlisle had quickly decieded to defuse the tension and sent Benji outside. 

Before I followed Benny outI looked back, making eye contact with Jacob and if looks could kill I would be six feet under. I realised an unnecessary breath the flitted to the door then outwards. 

Benji was sitting on the bottom step of the porch, staring outwards into the forest. Making my way over, I settled myself beside him and wrapped my arms around his waist, resting my head on his shoulder. 

"I love you Benny."

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