Chapter 8

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Auburn's POV

Time skip about of three weeks brought to you by how amazing Rami Malek is

Benjamin and I were sitting in his room, well our room now on the main sofa, we didn't need a bed as we didn't sleep but we have various sofas and armchairs around the room, THe couch we are one, is in an n shape but we can fill out the gap in the middle so it becomes a bed if we want it to, doesn't happen often though. Anyway, Benjamin where sitting side by side on the couch but our bodies are turned so we are facing each other and under Amun's orders we have been practising with our gifts for the last 10-20 hours straight. We had just hunted before our practise session so we were able to practise for a while longer. 

I had just finished my practise of stretching my power out away from me so I can mess with multiple people's memories who are far away from me, I wasn't quite there yet but I can now Alter, remove and add memories to someone who is half way across the room from me and hold it for long enough to get the job done with time to spare, poor Benji had been my test dummy for all those practises. Now Benjamin, was practising his gifts but if I say so myself he doesn't really need the practise, he has practically already mastered everything to do with his gifts. 

Our room had vines spread over all the walls from Benjamins gift, so he got one of the vines to extend towards us and as it moved a stem sprouted out from it with a bud forming at the end. The bud soon opened up to show a gorgeous, white rose. He picked it off the vine before turning to me with a smirk and handing me the rose in his hand before bring my own hand up to his lips and laying a gentle kiss on it , not once breaking eye contact with me," M'lady."

Laughing at his flirting I pushed him backwards playfully by his chest causing him to fall backwards onto the couch but as when he hit the couch he used his grip on my hadn to pull me down on top of him. We were both laughing and as it died down he shot me a dazzling but goofy grin causing to me giggle, something I'm finding myself doing a lot more of over the past three weeks, before laying a soft kiss on his cheek and all over his face, teasing him by avoiding his lips. 

He groaned in annoyance until I placed a gentle kiss on his lips but I sat up before he could kiss back or make the kiss deeper. Sitting up on my ankles, I watched as he also sat up and sent me a playful glare before huffing out," That's not fair." He crossed his arms and pouted at me causing me to laugh at how childish he was being. His laughter joined mine creating a soft symphony of noise but it was soon broken by a knock on the door. 

Kebi stuck her head in to the room, a smirk plastered on her face," I hope I wasn't disturbing anything." I let out an embarrassed cough at what she was implying, but Benjamin simply chuckled deeply and nodded his head. I snapped my head to him with wide eyes  before turning to Kebi and speeding to her, frantically shaking my head," Nope, nuh-uh, nothing was happening I swear." 

Benjamin seemed to be very giddy today as he burst into another fit of laughter, Kebi simply smirked once more, nodding as if to say," Uh huh sure..." But she didn't say that instead she said," Amun says you can stop practising for the day and go out hunting if you wish." I frantically nodded at her words just now realizing the creeping burn in my throat. She chuckled as she saw Benjamin also nod his head urgently.

I flitted over to him and grabbed his hand pulling him up, Kebi nodded to us before leaving the room. I kissed Benjamins cheek before walking over to the wardrobe to get changed as I was only wearing one of Benjamin's massive hoodies which came down to mid-thigh. I walked into our walk in wardrobe and pulled out a pair of ripped jeans and to stick on with Benjamin's hoodie. As I was picking out my jeans and my shoes I felt his arms wrap around my waist and his face come close to my ear," Why don't you just wear that? You look amazing in my clothes." I shivered at his deep voice before whispering back," You sure you want people to see me like this?" 

Benjamin was silent for a few moments as he thought about what I was saying until he said, over-protectively," No, actually I'm gonna need you to put on two more pairs of jeans and six more hoodies." I chuckled at his exaggeration before turning him out of the wardrobe so I can get changed, before I closed the door he smirked and said," You sure I cant stay?" I gasped and exclaimed," Benjamin!" I closed the door in his face, making him laugh. I got changed quickly, walking out of the wardrobe. 

I looked around in confusion not spotting Benjamin anywhere, silence filled the room until my shriek sounded out as Benjamin sneaked up behind me and picked me up into his arms. I laughed as he kissed me quickly before swinging me onto his back, which he has taken a liking to doing ever since we figured out we are mates. He ran off, out of our room and down the stairs, breezing past Amun and Kebi who were talking in hushed voices beside the pool. I gave them a curious look before Benjamin set me down, taking my hand and leading me out of the door. 

As we were walking down the streets, the only light was that of the moon, I turned to Benji and asked," What were they talking about?" He gave me a look that matched my own one of confusion and Curiousity. " I'm not sure, We'll ask when we get back." 

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