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Sand was picked up and tossed in the wind briefly as a presence, submerged in the shadows passed by. The crickets were the only noise that was picked up by the human's ears that night, denying the right to know about the predator hidden in the darkness. The man wandered through the desolate streets after a long day working, ready to go home to see his wife and daughter. Little did he know that he would be ripped out of his life and thrown into death's claws. The wind picked up slightly and jostled him, his robes wrapping round him and waving with the wind. His bag dropped from his hands to the floor when he jumped in shock at the feeling of the wind trailing up his spine softly... almost like a hand, making him shiver. He picked up his bag and his pace as a sense of uneasiness set in causing him to become paranoid. Finally with one strong shove the wind knocked him in to a building enabling him to hit his head. As he was disorientated a shadow crept out from the darkness soon becoming a figure, more specifically, a girl. she kicked up her foot and let it support her against a lamp pole. The man clambered to his feet looking at the girl ,who had emerged from nowhere,in shock. Her face once coated in shadows moved into the light to showcase two glimmering red orbs. The man tried to run, tried being the key word of course but he was pushed into the wall once again by an force stronger than the wind or any human could muster. As the girl, who looked around 14 years of age, drew in a deep breath then grinned up at him while fixing his collar then fiddling it and cooing," No need to be afraid," her grin turned into a smirk as she leant forward and whispered," It will all be over soon." She sunk her incisors into his veins drawing out pint upon pint of blood until the man crumbled to the floor lifelessly. She stretched and spoke out into the dark night," I've had stalkers before but none of them have ever gotten as close as you." She moved to the top of a building and with a final flicker of red, she was gone. A boy stepped half way out of the shadows his red eyes also glinting in the beam of the street light, a smirk upon his olive-toned face.

"Challenge accepted."

There then Gone - Benjamin TwilightWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt