Chapter 4

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Auburn's POV (Warning I don't know how people feel in this subject so if you are sensitive to grief and major sorrow, please be cautious.)

"Well it starts off when I was In the doctors, I had reached puberty and my mother and I had realized that I wasn't getting my time of the month. So we waited for a few months to see if it was just arriving late but it never came... We went to the doctor with it, she took a blood sample and we waited a few more days for the results. One day my mother got a call from the doctor asking us to come in. We got there and the doctor sat me down and said."

I stopped my story to take a shaky breath, even though I didn't need it old habits die hard," she said that I was infertile, I would never be able to have kids. This broke my heart, so I did what I did best... I ran. I used to do cross-country for my school so I was fast, that's why I'm a bit faster that average vampires, it's the trait I kept from my human life. Anyway, Yeah  I ran and I ran and I ran, I ran until I collapsed in a field, we lived out in a remote place so everywhere was covered in land that stretched for miles. When I did I sobbed harder than ever,I screamed, I cried and I clawed at my hair, I was only fourteen but having a family when I got older was one of my biggest dreams, so it felt like my heart was shattered and the broken pieces had embedded them into my skin. That's when it happened.... I hadn't realized but the sun had gone Down and it was dark." I stopped once again as he wrapped an arm around me when he noticed I was struggling.

He pulled me to his side and I lay my head against his shoulder before continuing,"there had been a figure above but of course I didn't notice, I was too caught up In my own self grief. That all changed when the pain hit, a flush of pain starting at my collarbone making its way through my pain, circulating my entire body. Then they left I was left on that dark, night alone writhing in pain until eventually I 'died' and after 3 days I rose again as something different, something paranormal."

I looked up meeting his eyes which were filled with sorrow for me. I joined hands with him again, then squeezed it gently reassuring him that I was all right. "I was left alone for over 200 years... until I met you. I mean sure I've met other vampires, I'm from Britain I had to pull a lot of strings to get here, but I've never met anyone who I could grow close with, someone I could rely on."

As soon as I had finished my story he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug. "You don't deserve any of the heartbreak you went through then. I swear I will do everything to protect you and you can rely on me," he whispered into my hair."I know because I'd do the same for you." I whispered back, although we could hear each other clear as day.

He smiled down at me sweetly, our hands intertwined and me in his arms. Something about this just felt... right.

Benjamin's POV

As I watched her tell her story and then as I smiled down at her, I realized why I felt such a connection to her.

We are meant to be together, we are made for eachother. She was my soulmate.

I breathed out a sigh of relief, in my head of course, as I came to this conclusion. Then I realized something, she learnt everything on her own, her natural instincts kept her alive until she knew enough to survive so that means I'm going to be the one to confront her about her being my mate.

But instead of saying this I said,"Do you wanna see my gift? I mean it's  only fair, I saw your gift you get to see mine."

She nodded her head up at me happily causing me to grin and take the pain of her hand and set it on top of mine. I willed for a small bubble of water to appear and lucky for me it did. It floated up slightly then it burst sending little sprays of water at both of us.

I grinned as she watches the water particles float downwards in awe. She turned to me,"Wow that's amazing Benji, you're so talented." I grinned sheepishly at her,"Thanks," before standing up and saying... "I better get going, Amun will be mad if I don't come home soon."

Auburn's POV

I was awestruck, the boy in front of me was so amazing,so talented but day in and day out he had to hide that. It wasn't fair on him.

As in after his little display he got to his feet while saying,"I better get get going, Amun will be mad if I don't come home soon." I turned why had away from him and nodded sadly. "I see ya later, I guess. Bye Benji," I said softly, although I know he can hear me.

I felt his presence looking over me, causing me to look up at him, from my spot on the roof to see him smiling at me with an extended hand. I raised one eyebrow at him in confusion.

"Come back with me Amun, has really wanted to meet you for a while. I mean the reason we met was because Amun wanted you to join our coven," he said, as if he just found the cure to cancer, happy and accomplished.

I but my lip nervously, at the thought of meeting Benji's coven. I slowly stood to my feet, taking Benjamin's hand in the process before saying,"Alright, we'll see how it goes."

He grinned happily, leaning forward and placing his lips softly on my cheek before dashing off in the direction of the house he calls home.

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