The Lead

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Detective Gunn was not impressed. She asked me if I thought this was fun. She air quoted fun.

I said no but I wanted to put all the information I had gathered in a systematic form and white boards are the cheapest way to do that.

She was not half as amused as Detective Locke.

"Fine. What does this mean?" She pointed at my white board which was now on the stand in the precinct.

I can be tough to understand but sometimes I enjoy coding what I write.

"It means that I might know who the killer is. Or at least who had the motive."

"Really? You think detective work is that easy?"

"No, that's why I am not an intern here."

Detective Gunn slammed her pen on the desk and stormed off. Detective Locke asked me to explain.

I got up and took a marker. Tessa was mostly killed because of jealousy or something like that.

She had a boyfriend, Jake and the other guy, who according to her friends was no longer a secret. But they didn't know who he was. So I marked a question mark there.

Her parents said that she was happier than usual hence things were working out with the new guy or else she would be feeling guilty about cheating. Also, check on the father. His ring is taken out often.

Victorie was adamant that Jake didn't deserve this. It was never a secret that she liked Jake. So even she becomes a suspect.

Her childhood friend, Nicky, was actually sad. If someone knows who the mystery guy is, it's her.

She's my lead.

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