52- We're Cute

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"You're very needy" I grin as he nudges my hand again. Arrex and Ace were arguing again, over something stupid like usual, Ace was most likely right.

"You and I both know that's not true" he smirks, still not opening his eyes

"Yeah okay bud" I stand up, cause his head to drop onto the carpet with a soft thud "I'm gonna grab a coke, you guys want any"
All of them nod their heads, now too engrossed in the game to speak, despite the fact they were just yelling at each other.

"I'll come help you" I hear Co say as I walk out

All the parents and little ones had gone home and to bed around midnight while our older siblings went out to the bars. We had been the only ones awake for awhile now.

"I can get it myself" I tell him, grabbing a few cans from the cooler, and piling them into my arms

"Yeah I know," he grins, taking a few of the cans out of my arms "but I wanted to help"

"Are you're so sweet," sarcasm drips from my lips as he very childishly sticks his tongue out at me

"One of my many, many amazing traits" he states, standing tall in front of my with a cocky grin

"Uh huh, and what might those amazing traits be?" I grin, obviously taunting him. I could list many of them myself, but I just wanted to mess with him. Regardless of how I felt towards him, I refused to let that get in the way of how we normally are.

"Hmm let me think" he pauses "Well, Im adorable" he bats his eyelashes at me, earning a laugh from me "oh and funny" he points to my grin "I'm protective" I roll my eyes at that one, leaning back against the door

"Hey! I know you like that I'm protective of you" he smirks down at me

"No I don't, it's annoying" I scoff, I was lying, I loved how he was protective of me but I was just being difficult

"You are so lying! You love it" He just laughs at me before continuing "You also love how I can make you smile whenever. Oh and you love how I'm always there"

"Oh really?" I raise a sing brow at him

"Uh huh" he grins confident "You love my dimples, and you love my hair"

"Where is all of this coming from Co?"

"I don't know, boost of confidence I guess" he grins down at me "You looked cute as hell today"

"Are you sure you're not drunk right now?" Now uneasy, I chuckle as he backs away and starts performing acts of sobriety

"Haven't had a drink since our birthday princess, just finally done with being a little bitch" he pokes his own nose before walking in a perfectly straight line directly to me "I'm just happy, everyone's finally all together"

"I still can't believe you got Ryan home for our birthday" I laugh, looking back up at him "have I told you thank you for that yet?"

"Yes multiple times" he grins "all in one night too"

"Well thank you"

"Don't thank me"

"Thank you"

"Stop thanking me princess"

"Or what?" I smirk up at him, a smirk that he mirrors and simply shrugs in response to.

"Hey Co?"


"Thank you" I challenge him

Without hesitation he dips his head lower, so it's directly in front of mine. My eyes widen as I lean back further against the wall. What the hell is happening right now.

"Wanna say it again?" He smirks once again staring at me

I just stare back at him, until I find myself leaning in, he does too. Tightening his grip around my waist as he pulls me against him, I close my eyes, feeling his lips brush against mine.

But I jump away, just a millisecond later as I hear my twins voice

"Hey tweedle dee and tweedle dumbass, are you gonna bring those drinks back anytime soon?"

I look up at Co with wide eyes, a look of annoyance on his face

"Uh- yeah we're comin!" I yell back before looking at Co "Did we just-"

"Almost, yeah" he scratches the back of his neck "look Belle, I'm-"

"Don't be" I stand up on my tippy toes, quickly kissing his cheek "I wanted to" and with that I step back inside, leaving him in the garage.

I have absolutely no idea why I just did that.

What the fuck did I just do?

Never in a Million Years ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz