―9 | Hero-ing Josh

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Josh Wheeler really did suck at hero-ing. I mean, I'm grateful the burden of losing my arm has lessened. But the guilt inside me if Josh's arm gets eaten off was heavier.

He took a deep breathe and slowly put his right arm inside the witches' throat. I would've laugh at his reaction right now if his life isn't depending on this.

I glanced at Angelica who seemed more ecstatic than worried. Her face was brimmed up with curiosity. How can someone be so eager to see an arm possibly eaten off live?

I bit my nails, not able to contain my worry for the boy. He squirmed when he tried to reach out for the key. Digging his arm deeper which made Ms Crumble protest. That must've hurt.

"I think I got it." He said, a smile forming on his face. I glanced at Ms Crumble and saw a weird glint in her eyes. I thought she was gonna eat his arm off but when he pulled it out, it was still intact.

"Ew." Was Angelica's first word after seeing Josh's arm. It was filled with green goey stuff which made me almost question what the witch was eating.

I looked at Ms Crumble again, she was reaching out to her chin. It must've hurt a lot considering she had to stretch it out. Without thinking, I also held my chin, imagining the pain. But, Ms Crumble was a ghoulie, I hope, I don't know what I'd do if I find out not all adults turned into ghoulies. Maybe I might do a crazy stunt and search for my missing mom and big brother.

They died. I knew that that was what happened. But, a part of me thinks otherwise, it keeps itching in my brain that maybe, just maybe, they're out there. Hiding in the shadows.

"I'm going to find Sam." Josh interrupted my thoughts with his insolent obsession over a certain girl named Samaira. Please kill me now.

Over the corner of my eye I could see Angelica crossing her arms and cocking her eyebrows. She looked worried about Josh but she won't admit it. Isn't this the same girl who got excited when Josh almost had his arm bit off about 5 minutes ago?

Josh scrambled away from us, key at hand. He unlocked the cell doors and went back to where we came in. I heard shuffling upstairs, I stopped and look up. Surely enough I saw a brown haired girl peek into the boxes but quickly retreated once she saw me.

I gave her a confused look, but continued running to Josh. I swear this hotel is either haunted or filled with very weird people.

Over the distance I could hear Angelica and Josh talking. He was unlocking the door when―

The ghoulie a while ago who was obsessed with yoga pants attacked Josh. "Oh my God." Was his reaction, he looked utterly terrified. I sputtered out a reply and realized that I had a bat.

"I'll go get help." Angelica stated, running away to Wesley. I just hope they get here sooner and not when me and Josh are already ghoulie snacks.

I swung it at her head but it simply got stuck there. Leaving me helpless. The ghpulie turned to me with a malicious stare. She was about to brawl with me when Josh pulled her back. "If you wanna attack her, you attack me first." Not gonna lie, maybe that made my heart skip a beat. But, I was too engrossed with the situation that I didn't even feel the blush that was creeping on my face.

Josh struggled to break through the ghoulies hold. So I tried to pull her hair, turns out that didn't end well. I yanked her hair and the strands were plucked out. I wanted to vomit right then and there. "This is fucking disgusting." I exclaimed, gagging at the hair strands. "Well, complain later. Help me!" Josh ordered, the ghoulie was closing up on him. Trying to bite his face but he dodged.

She widened her eyes, but she heard footsteps and saw Eli carrying Wesley's sword. Did he kill Wesley?

He immediately addressed the situation and stabbed the ghoulie to the heart. It fall down lifeless on Josh. To say his face looked horrible was an understatement. He quickly scrambled away from it, I held out my hand for him which he accepted. I know he was terrified, but he tried to keep his cool and wiped the dust off his jeans and the blood on his face.

"C'mon, Baron Triumph is gonna break in my mall. Help me protect my territory." We widened my eyes and followed him. He's an asshole but we're not. Well, mostly Josh is but y'know.

We ran as fast as we can to the garbage chute and saw Wesley trying so hard to prevent the door from opening. "Open it!" Eli shouted and so Wesley let go off it. Backing out and drawing his sword from Eli. I reached out for my bat and went in position, what I meant when I said that I won't let Baron Triumph take me, not without a fight was entirely true. People said he was stronger than any of us, but that didn't stop me from smirking. I killed many ghoulies before, a mere human wouldn't hurt, especially the bad ones.

She looked at Josh to see him widening his eyes and using his sword that he took from the ghoulies back a while ago. He also put up his skateboard in front of him as a shield. She glanced at her right and saw Angelica grabbing her broken flamethrower and a those bomb things. Eli on the other hand seemingly looked at the hallway to the mall, thinking about something. He looked scared, but not for him.

The doors opened, Baron Triumph stepped out, looking as threatening as ever. Angelica shouted on top of her lungs and went for the hit but was thrown back with so much force. I was about to move forward and attack him but Josh held my hand, preventing me to move any step forward. I looked at him curiously and saw him charge at Baron Triumph. And that left me frustrated, why?

How long has it been? Ehehehe anyways, I realized I need to make the chapters longer so yayy. Anyways, please vote and comment! Love you! Also happy 10k <3

wild card. | JOSH WHEELERحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن