―6 | Knockoff Triumph

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      "'sup Turds." Eli smirked at us cockily. Satisfied with our frightened faces.

"This is who we've been scared of?" Angelica asked us, disbelief was clear in her voice. "A light breeze could kick his ass." She continued, making Eli scrunch up his face, clearly hurt by her statement. But after a few seconds he remained unbothered.

"I thought it was gonna be Hoyles. This is.. Who is this again?" Wesley asked. I snorted not-so-gracefully while Josh gave me the stink eye.

"It's Eli." Josh stated, smirking at him. He walked slowly to him, observing him quietly. After a while he chuckled suddenly, it gave me butterflies and the laugh wasn't even directed to me. "He's a knockoff. His bike isn't even a real Triumph motorcycle-- And, training wheels?" Josh laughed, I looked at Eli's direction and saw his ears turn a deep shade of red.

"What are you even doing with a Baron Triumph costume?" I asked him incredulously. "While all of you have been running around like mole rats after the bomb went off. I instantly went to the mall and claimed it as my territory. I've been playing this shit up on boss mode." He chuckled, giving us his infamous proud look.

"I'm sorry, I really don't know who he is." Wesley stepped forward, he looks extremely confused by the situation.

Before Eli could open his mouth to probably retort a snarky comment to Wesley, a motorcycle engine was heard nearby, making all of us freeze in fear. We saw a man dressed in black with a mask just like Eli's. Eli hurriedly went to the chained door and started taking out a key.

"Hurry up!" Angelica exclaimed, holding out her useless flamethrower, hoping it would sputter out to life any second.

"Get your own mall, this one's mine." Eli claimed, finally opening the door. Me and Josh beat him to entering it. We ran, I knew the mall like my second home. This place was the only thing I like about Glendale.

We reached the rear entrance and I gasped. "Everything is so clean― and air conditioning?" I questioned, facing Eli. He was smirking, proud of how he's living the best life. We did look like mole rats, fighting for leftover foods and shit. While Eli has the mall to himself. No one would even dare go hear considering Eli tricked them into thinking this is Baron Triumph territory.

We heard a loud bang coming from the hallway we just went to, "C'mon." Eli gestured for us to follow him, "You're safe here." He said. After the three of us entered he took out what seemed like a controller and trapped us in.

"Do you think I would share the mall with you losers? Look, I have a potential girlfriend living here. Her name is Maddie and she's very shy. I don't want y'all to hurt her. So I'm gonna leave you here to die."

"To die?" I questioned before a witches cackle was heard far behind us. Josh held my hand protectively, covering both me and Angelica. I blushed but shrugged it off, he's just a gentleman, is all.

If you're wondering why I put Eli's soon-to-be girlfriend is Maddie not Mavis. It's because I decided to make all my daybreak fanfictions connected to each other. Since I only have two (for now) It wouldn't be confusing to change plots. But I'm making more in the future so stay tuned!

And no, it's okay if you won't read my other book. I usually just introduce Maddie in certain scenes.

Don't forget to vote and comment! Bye!

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