―4 | pinky promises

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      After taking that long shower, I came to the conclusion that I will find Josh Wheeler. I don't know what came to me, it may be because I spent 6 months alone and vulnerable. Or the fact that I still have feelings, which I do not. Maybe being alone in the apocalypse and not being able to speak with someone for many months now.

I grabbed my backpack, putting up necessary survival equipments, water, food and weapons. I walked outside and looked at my house for the last time. Maybe I should leave the past behind. And maybe I should start a new life.

Now, don't get me wrong. I don't have any idea how to contact or track Josh Wheeler, since he's seen around almost everywhere in this town. But what I do know that he spray paints almost everywhere he goes.

I started searching his old apartment first. If I'm not mistaken, I heard some of those teenagers who havoc late at night talk about how dope Josh Wheeler's base is.

I cautiously step foot on his apartment, eyeing if he set up booby traps or other tricks up on his sleeve. But, after a while of searching around, I found his apartment completely harmless. I'm impressed with his survival instincts, clever. I used to think he would die fist in an apocalypse, I guess I thought wrong.

I heard the door creak open. I whipped my head at the direction of the sound and saw Josh Wheeler staring at me wide eyed.

"Um, can I help you?" Josh asked me, uncertainty laced his voice.

"I was looking for you." I cleared my throat. Feeling completely awkward.

"Dude, this place is so dope." I heard a voice say, realizing it was Wesley Fists, the gay asshole jock. He was wearing what looked like a samurai walmart knockoff which almost made me laugh.

"Oh, Robin Williams. What brings you to our humble abode?" Wesley said upon realizing my presence.

"Our?" Josh asked him. I glanced behind him and saw a blonde haired girl with pink strands of hair. She obviously looked younger than us.

"We're a team now." The girl stated. Completely unaware of Josh giving her an eyeroll.

"No, the three of you are leaving. I need to find Sam and I can't afford any form of distraction." Josh clarified. Everyone else rolled their eyes, see how I hate Sam Dean? She can literally hypnotize everyone to like her and be all obsessive over her.

"Why're you all on Sam Dean?" I questioned him, annoyance was in my tone.

"Because, Sam Dean was the only girl he ever talks to." The girl said, giving Josh a smile that meant loser.

Josh, seemingly tired by our conversation, gave us the bird and walked away. He looked through a window and just in time, a rock broke it. By instinct we all ducked down for cover.

"It's Turbo bro jock." Wesley claimed after peeking through the windows.

"And the golf team." Josh continued.

"What are we gonna do now?" The girl stared at us wide eyed, frantically trying to protect her head from the rocks they're throwing at us.

"I need to find Sam."

"But, we can't part ways. We just can't! I'm stuck with you and that's just that. Look, those are just kids out there. We all are." The blonde girl argued stubbornly.

"I agree with the petulant dwarf." Wesley added.

Josh's jaw ticked in annoyance but he seemed like he would change his mind.

"If I beat their ass off would you let me join your tribe?" She continued.

"Fine." Josh gave up, knowing that arguing wouldn't miraculously save them.

Don't forget to vote and comment! Luv ya, Byee! <33

Tysm for all the support.

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